My parents got put into jail, both my mom and my dad.

To be honest my mentor was my mom and dad. I was very blessed and fortunate to have parents like I had.

As I've gotten older, I've realized my true models are my parents. My mom is like a sheroe. My dad is so strong.

Both my parents are Italian. My mom was born and raised in Italy. My dad was born in Canada, but then they moved to Italy.

Both my parents were born in the Philippines. My dad is full Filipino, but my mom looks a little mixed, and her mom's name is Estelita Coquico.

We had to give each other permission to be different as parents. That's why there's a mom and a dad with two different approaches, because you do need both.

My parents were in high school when I was born. My mom was 16, my dad was 17. They were kids, at the very beginning of coming into their own and finding themselves.

My parents are really conservative. My dad is Muslim, and my mom is the most conservative woman you've ever met. They're very aristocratic in the most quaint suburban way.

My parents are both English. My dad is a plastic surgeon - his name's Norman Waterhouse, but we call him Normy. And my mom's a nurse, which is how they met - in a hospital, over decaying bone.

My mom is very calm and quiet, so I think I got that from her. Because my dad is passionate and loud... It was always interesting, and I really enjoyed that my parents always included us in their lives.

My mom is in the navy and my dad works for the army, but I never called them 'sir' or 'ma'am' or anything like that, and we never really moved around a lot because both my parents were stationed in D.C.

It was the late '70s when my parents met. My dad was a lighting director for a soap opera, and my mom was a temp at the studio. They moved into a house in The Valley in L.A., to a neighborhood that was leafy and affordable.

When I was a little bitty kid, I was listening to the stuff my parents were listening to. My mom was a huge Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige fan. My dad had a cover band that I sang with, and he loved Parliament, Prince, Jimi Hendrix, and Eric Clapton, the blues, James Brown.

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