People wanna dance. People wanna have a good time. And people wanna party.

If you dance, you dance because you have to. Every dancer hurts, you know.

How inimitably graceful children are in general-before they learn to dance.

Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.

I always think about that when I make a song, 'what is the dance gonna be?'

Whatever music you beat on your drum there is somebody who can dance to it.

Dance has such an intensity to it. You become, in a way, an intense person.

Some of my fans want me to just dance and go crazy and wear flashy outfits.

We're a machine and we have to be worked in the same way we have to be fed.

To dance, put your hand on your heart and listen to the sound of your soul.

I have come to the conclusion that it is better to be silent than to speak.

We have always played classical music and always loved dance and pop music.

I wanted to do new things with dance, adapt it to the motion picture medium.

Our feet are planted in the real world, but we dance with angels and ghosts.

I can't dance anymore. Total knee replacements. I can't do anything anymore.

David Alford technique that does NOT serve expression leads to exibitionism.

Dance keeps me going, and it gives me the energy to remain active in cinema.

What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.

From the beginning, I wanted to make dance music with a human element to it.

We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.

Dance has been my lover, my doctor. I know I have my health because of this.

'Dance Macabre' feels like one of those songs that you want to play forever.

I never had vocal lessons, dance classes, or any of the things my peers had.

Ballet: men wearing pants so tight that you can tell what religion they are.

If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.

If you have a voice, sing; but if you have good arms, then go in for dancing.

Whoever would have his body supple, easy and healthful should learn to dance.

In ballet a complicated story is impossible to tell. We can't dance synonyms.

I worked as a secretary, a waitress and a dance teacher - all in high school.

My hope is to shed light, provoke thought, entertain, and move through dance.

When people start dancing, they dance like they don't know they are doing it.

If a dishonest creep wants to tap dance, give them the spotlight and a mirror.

Learn to dance, so when you get to heaven the angels know what to do with you.

I like to dance around the house when I'm getting ready. It gets my day going.

Architecture, like dance, is also a language - one that everybody understands.

Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made.

Change is the only constant, whether it's in music, culture, dance or fashion.

I love to dance so much. It's one of my guilty pleasures in life and my hobby.

Ballet is important and significant - yes. But first of all, it is a pleasure.

Whatever the nature of dance, it needs no onlooker, not even a single witness.

I think Balanchine and Robbins talk to God and when I call, he's out to lunch.

Dance is very, very old. With Louis XIV at Versailles is where ballet started.

I wasn't out drinking and abusing my body. I simply loved to go out and dance.

The lips are closed, for the dancer has plenty of other voices at his service.

I'm proud when my dance numbers are spoken about for my expressions and steps.

I want women to be liberated and still be able to have a nice ass and shake it.

It is through strength of technique that the body stays in possession of music.

Stand up! Keep your backs straight! Remember that this is where the wings grow.

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.

As unnatural as dancing is, you have to find a natural way to do the unnatural.

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