There was never a merry world since the fairies left off dancing.

To achieve some depth in your field requires a lot of sacrifices.

Whenever I hear, 'It can't be done,' I know I'm close to success.

I can get a dance party started pretty much anywhere and anytime.

I have always been attracted to songs that make me want to dance.

I don't want to feel a shoe; I want the shoe to become part of me.

When I leap, I briefly see the world as it is and as it should be.

The world I'm interested in is the one where things are not named.

Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul

In Thailand, K-pop is really big, with all the cover dance groups.

It takes time to get a dance right, to create something memorable.

When I am not auditioning or meeting people, I teach myself dance.

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?

Toe dancing is a dandy attention getter, second only to screaming.

When I don't wear eyeliner, I am shy and I feel like I can't dance.

After I stopped dancing, I was unable to listen to beautiful music.

No matter what you write or choreograph, you feel it is not enough.

In order to be a good soldier it is necessary to know how to dance.

Dance is definitely what I love doing much more than anything else.

Technique is what you fall back on when you run out of inspiration.

Apart from the occasional bit of dad dancing, I really can't dance.

It's always been my dream to do a dance scene with Anthony Hopkins.

I don't think I make dance music. It's not even 4/4. And it's slow.

The dancer's body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul.

There's a line of dancers waiting to get into Sydney Dance Company.

Dancers are allowed, indeed encouraged, to remain children forever.

I prance around and dance by myself to hip-hop songs in the mirror.

Dance is the movement of the universe concentrated in an individual.

Life is short and there will always be dirty dishes, so let's dance.

A contra dance is like an amusement park ride we make for ourselves.

I'm attracted to long-legged girls with long arms and a little head.

Dance for yourself. If someone understands, good. If not, no matter.

Dance has been my medium, my metaphor, my message and my meditation.

Good art is a form of prayer. It's a way to say what is not sayable.

Just sit and open your eyes and open your heart. It's dance theater.

I do a lot of dance classes in my spare time. I'm a dancer at heart.

With dance, you learn to channel nerves into energy, excited energy.

I love to dance, but my children tell me I shouldn't. Can't see why.

I was taken to one place by a director, and he bought me a lap dance.

Many a girl who can't dance well makes up for it during intermission.

I grew up dancing salsa - you know, a traditional Puerto Rican dance.

It is not a question of who dances but of who or what does not dance.

I like to dance, but it's not my weekend activity. I'm not a clubber.

Listen, sister. I don't dance and I can't take time out now to learn.

Latin guys dance. American guys don't dance. That's a big difference.

You can dance anywhere and you can dance in your mind, in your heart.

My mom taught me every dance move I've ever known to the Motown hits.

Success will win you false friends and true enemies - succeed anyway.

When I play on my fiddle in Dooney Folk dance like a wave on the sea.

It seems to be hard wired into our pleasure centres to move to music.

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