Maintaining our standard; that's our challenge day-in and day-out.

I couldn't do what I do day-in and day-out if I didn't love the game.

I don't really know how to relate to a long-term day-in day-out kind of comfortable relationship.

Customer service is just a day-in, day-out, ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate type of activity.

I started skating because I loved it. I started when I was three and I didn't know all the sacrifices and all the hardships and how difficult day-in and day-out it would be.

Predominantly training myself for so long worked, I had great success. But if I had someone there training me day-in day-out from an early age? It could have been a whole different story.

I get on with Joe Hart really well. He joined Birmingham on loan when I was there and to see him working day-in, day-out was brilliant. As I've progressed I've tried to model myself on him.

I think it's unfortunate because people don't see what I do day-in and day-out, high-fiving the kids, saying thank you to the fans and volunteers out there, and they just look at all the negative stuff.

It's the thing I miss about football, I suppose: being with the team day-in day-out, getting a team ready for a Saturday afternoon, or getting yourself ready for a Saturday afternoon - it's the most difficult part.

Television is so influential that when an audience sees you day-in and day-out there's a certain acceptance that sets in; you're no longer a threatening personality. They become more willing to accept whatever you present.

I think people will walk into the Starbucks store and overnight recognize the significant difference between what Starbucks represents day-in and day-out and all the other coffee companies that have been serving coffee in India for so many years.

Growing up at United and training with him day-in, day-out, you learn a lot from him. Wazza is always there, and you can talk to him. He has been through a lot of experiences in his life, and he is always happy to pass that experience down to the younger players.

I don't want to pretend that I only focus on social media to do my job, but it is a very important complement to what we do on a day-in and day-out basis. You can get a whole lot more information through social media than you can get just through the traditional methods of picking up the newspaper.

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