What did not demolish me simply polished me.

What tried to demolish me, I allowed to polish me.

Once I am in, I can demolish any side because that is my strength.

I demolish my bridges behind me - then there is no choice but forward.

The catastrophist constructs theories, the uniformitarian demolishes them.

One must credit an hypothesis with all that has had to be discovered in order to demolish it.

In Detroit there are a lot of houses they are going to demolish because no one is taking care of them.

Hatred will always give birth to more and more hate, and love has the power to demolish the borders between us.

Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself.

You've got to know the rules to break them. That's what I'm here for, to demolish the rules but to keep the tradition.

People think that buildings are permanent, but in China, this isn't true; we can always demolish and remake it better.

A wrong concept misleads the understanding; a wrong deed degrades the whole man, and may eventually demolish the structure of the human ego.

Biographies are no longer written to explain or explore the greatness of the great. They redress balances, explore secret weaknesses, demolish legends.

No human heart is denied empathy. No religion can demolish that by indoctrination. No culture, no nation and nationalism - nothing can touch it because it is empathy.

We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we demolish the ruins as well. But the only way I can see of doing that is to use them to put up a lot of fine, well-designed buildings.

The effects of the attacks against health facilities emanate far beyond those immediately killed and injured. They demolish routine and lifesaving health care for all. They make life impossible. Full stop.

Gawker thrived on embarrassment and shame, seeking to demolish not just celebrities or politicians but average random people whose sins it would expose for traffic and commenters who gloried in its actions.

The great thing about writing 'Deadpool' is that he can demolish expectations and typical comic book conventions with monster truck force. There are few other characters who can transition so easily from one type of story to the next.

Some people who meet me might think I starve myself, because there's such an assumption that being thin involves putting yourself through torture and punishing your body, but I'm just naturally skinny - you should watch me demolish a ploughman's lunch.

There is nothing wrong with socialism or communism but they are irrelevant now. Some intellectual terrorists are provoking people in the name of these ideologies just like some religious terrorists go and demolish mosques and want to build temples in their place.

The problem was Le Corbusier was a genius and an enormous artist, but he tried to resolve problems to which there is no solution. So the idea to demolish the centre of Paris in order to adapt it to the car - he drew it! - is something not even the most bloody dictators conceived.

If you don't have the necessary inner balance, leadership can demolish you. Today, if you are a CEO by the time you are 35, you must have ulcers. By 45, you must have diabetes. By 55, you must have had a bypass. People say they have had three bypasses, as if it is a qualification.

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