Words derive their power from the original word.

We derive confidence as women from what we wear.

We derive our vitality from our store of madness.

The unhappy derive comfort from the misfortunes of others.

I want to derive pleasure from this planet and put pleasure back into it.

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.

It is from books that wise people derive consolation in the troubles of life.

I am drawn towards the power of spirituality and derive a lot of energy from it.

Culture' and 'cult' derive from the same word; what a culture worships defines it.

I love Messi. I also derive inspiration from the god of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar.

I also derive a great deal of pleasure from horses and dogs... the ocean... and love.

Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves.

Our works, whatever they may be, derive from our incapacity to kill or to kill ourselves.

I live by myself, so I derive a lot of joy from being with my friends and their families.

Look at Jane Austen. Her characters derive in a reasonably straight line from fairy tales.

One of the strengths I derive from my class background is that I am accustomed to contempt.

No amount of money can replace the kind of happiness and satisfaction I derive out of writing.

I derive a lot of the values that I try to bring into the public sphere from my private faith.

Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us.

I don't know what fun newspapers and magazines derive from interfering in people's private lives.

Solar growth will support landowners to derive income and solar industry to build their business.

Purely altruistic behavior is pretty much impossible because of the selfish pleasures we derive from it.

I'm not a video brat. I don't derive all my inspiration through movies. I get it from a lot of other places, too.

Trust in the great American ingenuity. We can derive more intelligent, more brain-friendly ways we can play football.

I derive a lot of joy from cooking. Had cooking been a mandatory task, I probably would have felt differently about it.

Our nation is built on the bedrock principle that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.

All the food that is put into the stomach that the system cannot derive benefit from, is a burden to nature in her work.

While men and women alike are liberated by the balance that work flexibility affords, women appear to derive greater value from it.

Cinema is very important to me. I derive a lot of strength from this art form, and I believe that it is very impactful socio-politically.

There is no harm in making people laugh by making fun of yourself. What's wrong is when people derive pleasure from making fun of others.

Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture.

I just want to unify people. A crowd full of people singing one song... that doesn't derive from anything dishonest... It's someone's truth.

Most economic fallacies derive from the tendency to assume that there is a fixed pie, that one party can gain only at the expense of another.

We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.

In Trump's mind, women derive their primary value from how they look, which is probably why he owned a major beauty pageant for so many years.

It's never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge's personal convictions - whether they derive from faith or anywhere else - on the law.

I am sure that no man can derive more pleasure from money or power than I do from seeing a pair of basketball goals in some out of the way place.

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses.

It's no surprise that Mitt Romney bent himself into a pretzel to disavow the portions of Obamacare that derive from his own reform in Massachusetts.

Adversity is a great teacher, but this teacher makes us pay dearly for its instruction; and often the profit we derive, is not worth the price we paid.

God created the universe in such a manner that all in common might derive their food from it, and that the Earth should also be a property common to all.

The pleasure we derive from doing favors is partly in the feeling it gives us that we are not altogether worthless. It is a pleasant surprise to ourselves.

The idea that one might derive satisfaction from his or her successful work, because that work is ingenious, beautiful, or just pleasing, has become ridiculed.

This foundational principle - that human beings derive their rights from God, rather than from the State, or any other source - is what made America different.

A lot of comic actors derive their main force from childish behavior. Most great comics are doing such silly things; you'd say, 'That's what a child would do.'

But the general welfare must restrict and regulate the exertions of the individuals, as the individuals must derive a supply of their strength from social power.

Material goods consist of useful material things, and of all rights to hold, or use, or derive benefits from material things, or to receive them at a future time.

On the professional side, I derive great happiness and energy by solving tough business and organisational problems - even taking on tough meetings with customers.

The best thing you can say about libertarians is that because their views derive from abstract theory, they tend to be highly principled and rigorous in their logic.

Abstract ideas like equality and liberty have a spurious transparency, and can be used to derive pleasing theorems in the manner of Jean-Jacques Rousseau or John Rawls.

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