The grave is sooner cloy'd than men's desire.

We'll all be riding that streetcar of desire.

Vice is perhaps a desire to learn everything.

The gratification of desire is not happiness.

I have no desire to go back to San Francisco.

What we desire for ourselves, we wish for all

A nonviolent man cannot desire embarrassment.

You are made in the image of what you desire.

I had to be healed of my desire to be healed.

I had the desire to be the best in the world.

Desire urges me on as fear bridles me" Bruno.

Forbid us something, and that thing we desire.

An original is a creation motivated by desire.

There are some desires that are not desirable.

life is long between the desire and the spasm.

Youth, ah, Youth! all men's desire and sorrow.

Faith does not quench desire, but inflames it.

One's desire, not ability, determines success.

After you get what you want you don't want it.

Impossible desires are the height of unreason.

The older I get, the more I desire simplicity.

Desire is the creator; desire is the destroyer.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.

You must desire the fire, and claim your flame!

There is no limit to desire but desire's needs.

Desire of praise disposeth to laudable actions.

What happens when you lose your heart's desire?

He who does not desire power is fit to hold it.

Where progress is desire, change is Inevitable.

Desire increases when fulfillment is postponed.

I like having the freedom to dress as I desire.

If a man constantly aspires is he not elevated?

He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence.

A tear is enough water to float a desire to God.

To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve.

There is nothing like wealth for dulling desire.

Mad desire, when it has the most, longs for more

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.

The secret to desire in a long-term relationship

Sorrow also fulfills Desire. Example: the Soaps.

Any desire to grow is following the flow of love

If you desire faith, then you have faith enough.

At the root of all misery is unfulfilled desire.

We believe easily what we fear of what we desire

I am kept in bondage by the moles of my beloved.

How that name comes up. Mixing memory and desire

The starting point of all achievement is desire.

Never doubt God's desire or ability to help you.

Events are influenced by our very great desires.

I have no desire to put my feet up. Why would I?

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