The desire to abdicate, to give up - for me, that's primal.

Detach from emotions and desires; get rid of any fixations.

It's not who jumps the highest - it's who wants it the most

When all desires of heart die, mortal man becomes Immortal.

Night can't cloak your scarlet dream. Accept Desire's call.

If fishes were wishes the ocean would be all of our desire.

In men desire begets love, and in women love begets desire.

Almost every desire a poor man has is a punishable offence.

My desire is to stand by the fire that burns inside of you.

Much that we read of Russia is imagination and desire only.

I have a lot of energy, a lot of interest, a lot of desire.

He who has enough for his wants should desire nothing more.

If you truly desire happiness, seek and learn how to serve.

What a desire! ... to live in peace with that word: Myself.

All happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy.

Is your fear of failure greater than your desire to succeed?

The fulfillment of every desire only reveals its inadequacy.

My thought has been shaped by books; my desires by pictures.

I have absolutely no desire and no thought of quitting ever.

Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.

We don't need fashion to survive, we just desire it so much.

Anything you think you "must have" usually comes to own you.

God has made me desire always what he most wants to give me.

Whatever the heart desires, it purchases at the cost of soul

Teens in the '90s had the same basic desires as they do now.

Real love, the Bible says, instinctively desires permanence.

Desire will in due time externalize itself as concrete fact.

I wished to be loved by another. But I desire no man's pity.

Never underestimate people. They do desire the cut of truth.

Make the expectations lively enough, and action will follow.

As desire recedes, the world becomes clear, pale, and empty.

Experience fails to teach where there is no desire to learn.

I like coaching a lot and I've always had this desire in me.

Our desires are never wholly transparent, even to ourselves.

Christ desires nothing more of us than that we speak of him.

Some feelings are stronger than fear: love, longing, desire.

The impulse of modern art was this desire to destroy beauty.

The desire to be loved is really death when it comes to art.

The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.

I can score 20 points if I want to, but that's not my desire.

Do not desire to fit in. Desire to oblige yourselves to lead.

Expectation ... quickens desire, while possession deadens it.

Ahimsa is the eradication of the desire to injure or to kill.

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.

REASON, v.i. To weight probabilities in the scales of desire.

Desire +Stability = Resolution, Resolution +Hard work=success

Every man if he so desires becomes sculptor of his own brain.

I've missed out on a huge goal but the desire is still there.

Manipulate the situation to create the reality of your desire

Following the path of love is always your soul's true desire.

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