My specialty is detached malevolence.

I ain't never detached myself from Gary.

'Lonerism' is such an insular, detached album.

In order to travel far you have to be detached.

Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space.

I am pretty detached from the local music crowd though.

The detached observer's view is one window on the world.

I grew up in a single-family detached house. My parents are wonderful.

I am a Piscean, and they have a lovingly detached attitude towards life.

Science is not neutral in its judgments, nor dispassionate, nor detached.

A mind which really lays hold of a subject is not easily detached from it.

I have, I admit, a low tolerance for detached chronicling and cool analysis.

I feel alone, free, and detached from everything in the world, and I'm happy.

Failure doesn't scare me. And neither success. I am equally detached to both.

I learned that I' have to be detached if I was ever to achieve anything at all.

There's an innocence to Ozzy Osbourne. He's mingling, but he's somewhat detached.

Something in a writer's brain needs to watch everything with a detached, amoral eye.

I feel like the writer observing the grief, but it is difficult to be detached from it.

The goal is to make the music really a part of the skin of the film, and not be detached.

I wanna say I'm detached, but I'm an Aquarius that's sensitive as hell. That's dope, though.

I feel so detached from what I am on the outside. The person I am on the inside is very separate.

I live in a bus and go from place to place and sometimes feel very detached from what's going on.

'Cool' is detached and emotionally cool. My instinct is to battle anything that seems overly cool.

When even the scrupulously detached BBC is exhorting us to talk to God, you know something is going on.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.

Life is a tide; float on it. Go down with it and go up with it, but be detached. Then it is not difficult.

Obama is a guy who claims to be unaware that there was a Tea Party, a guy that's detached from the country.

Hamlet is egotism as it appears to itself, and Don Quixote is egotism as it appears to the detached observer.

And never have I felt so deeply at one and the same time so detached from myself and so present in the world.

I'm quite detached from failure and success. Once a shooting is done, I kind of close that chapter in my life.

I like to be in that space, the same middle-class man. Otherwise, you become completely detached from reality.

Watch the functioning of your own mind in a calm and detached manner so you can gain insight into your own behavior.

I learned to fly a few years ago in England. It's the only place I'm completely alone - up in the air, detached from everything.

I was initially excited about modelling, but soon, I started feeling detached with the job. I wanted dynamic growth in whatever I did.

People, including me, can get so detached from everything, but when you can focus on a defined place, a home, it gets you back in touch.

The Odyssey is the story of Americans up to the point where they are well-established, and even so it is detached from the historical side.

Voters don't just want to see detached and distant faces on TV, they want to feel that they know the people that they're trying to vote for.

I am a Gemini. We have split personalities. While at work, I am fully in it. I can be attached yet very detached. I have no feelings of remorse.

Sometimes I see myself as a locked box - very detached from myself and others. But I feel lucky, because I am the owner of my time, and you cannot buy time.

Ultimately spiritual awareness unfolds when you're flexible, when you're spontaneous, when you're detached, when you're easy on yourself and easy on others.

I am a mother with kids in the public schools. People should know that. I'm not just some policy maker who's totally detached from the rest of the community.

I write and film history; I don't make it. One can be a good critic and a moral observer, but one remains professionally detached as a writer and a filmmaker.

I think that there's a tendency for actors who play strong women to have them take on all the worst characteristics of men, to become cold and detached and hardened.

Jim Thompson understood something about the serial killer before the psychology caught up to it, which is that they are detached to it and they do want to get caught.

When I first started campaigning to become an MP in 2004, we were suffering as a party because our hierarchy and leadership were totally detached from the party's membership.

I never thought what I wrote was good enough to be published. I thought of myself as completely detached from that constellation of real writers. It was completely for myself.

Resignation, not mystic, not detached, but resignation open-eyed, conscious, and informed by love, is the only one of our feelings for which it is impossible to become a sham.

I had no interest in cinema until I was 24 years old. My friends had posters of their favourite stars in their houses, but I was far from a film buff - very detached from films.

I'm serious, in general, and I guess I cling onto the little freedom I have offscreen. Having said that, I am funny and, at the same time, detached from a lot of things in life.

A poet is never one of the people. He is detached, remote, and the life of small-time dances and talk about football would not be for him. He might take part but could not belong.

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