We think in generalities, but we live in detail.

We think in generalities, but we live in detail.

I spot detail quickly.

I have an eye for detail.

There's no detail too small for me.

Caress the detail, the divine detail.

People are afraid of detail and complexity.

We can't see every small detail in football.

I operate best on big vision and creative detail.

The attention to detail on 'Titanic' was extraordinary.

My writing style is very sensual, as in sensory detail.

For me, when I read a book, I'm very much about detail.

I remember all the important fights. Vividly. In detail.

I think in any writing you're paying attention to detail.

Watch every detail that affects the accuracy of your work.

Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify.

I pick up subtle cues very well and pay attention to detail.

I learned no detail was too small. It was all about the details.

You matter to God, and every detail of your life matters to Him.

My lyrics are my diary - you're hearing every detail of my life.

I like the comedians that go into detail and tell longer stories.

I always wanted to, to the smallest detail, make my parents proud.

My general plan is good, though in the detail there may be faults.

I think I was born with that desire to win and attention to detail.

The pathetic almost always consists in the detail of little events.

Culture is a way of coping with the world by defining it in detail.

When it comes down to playoff basketball, it's attention to detail.

Only the poet can look beyond the detail and see the whole picture.

The success of a production depends on the attention paid to detail.

As Trump's mistakes pile up, Congress will be left on cleanup detail.

I wouldn't say that I'm particularly bothered or obsessed with detail.

If you look up every last detail on your subject, you'll never finish.

Attention to detail is of utmost importance when you want to look good.

All that is not perfect down to the smallest detail is doomed to perish.

I'm a sucker for expertly-executed detail and surprise elements in clothing.

Nothing says, 'I pay attention to detail!' like footwear flattery from a boy.

The distinguishing characteristic of the techno-thriller is technical detail.

If a victory is told in detail, one can no longer distinguish it from a defeat.

People talk fundamentals and superlatives and then make some changes of detail.

My father instilled attention to detail and a sense of duty and responsibility.

The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail.

In the successful organization, no detail is too small to escape close attention.

A lot of dance producers aren't really musical, they don't care much about detail.

A man's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.

I don't want to make public statements about issues that I have not studied in detail.

Magic is really difficult to learn, and it requires sort of a fanatical eye for detail.

I'm more for the style than the brand. I don't go brand shopping; I go detail shopping.

Girls talk to each other like men talk to each other. But girls have an eye for detail.

I may not have a practical mind, but it's very fixated on concrete things. I like detail.

I currently spend a lot of time thinking about orchestration and every detail of a piece.

The rest is a mere matter of detail, to be settled with judgment, discretion, and caution.

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