I was devastated by Gene Wilder's death.

I was devastated when I had to go blonde.

Her grief grieved her. His devastated her.

I've been glued to the TV. I am absolutely devastated.

I'm too into skateboarding to be devastated by anything.

When the system does not recognize me I'm not devastated.

When I was younger I used to be devastated if I would lose.

Winning the title then losing it to John Ruiz... I'd be devastated.

I'm gutted, devastated that in front of my own fans I've lost my belt.

I was so devastated by my second divorce that I had a nervous breakdown.

I feel like everyone else in this country today. I am utterly devastated.

I am devastated by the loss of my beautiful wife Jane. She was my best friend.

'Tango' is very much an ensemble piece and I was devastated when I read the script.

Whole communities have been devastated as good-paying jobs continue to leave the U.S.

I was totally devastated for four years in the mid '60s when l tried to buck the tide.

After my conviction, I was devastated. I had never believed that I would be convicted.

When I was 12, I was told I couldn't play with the boys anymore, and I was devastated.

I grew up in London, a city devastated by the bombing. I am, you might say, a Blitz Baby.

I was devastated by the loss of my job in March, although I can understand why it occurred.

I know that the DeVos agenda has absolutely devastated our public school system in Michigan.

The very idea of carrying my memory into eternity devastated me, and I took refuge in atheism.

There's no country in the world that's more devastated from natural resources than Afghanistan.

I don't read reviews because if they're bad I'm devastated and if they're good I get a big head.

The poorest country in South America, Bolivia, had been devastated by neoliberal economic policies.

German militarism and Nazism have devastated twice in our generation the lands of German neighbors.

When I was 12, I had a coach tell me I would never be a championship pitcher. That devastated me. I was crushed.

I'm horrified to admit that I just love Salinger. I was devastated to find out that other people feel the same way.

I can't imagine TV without 'Big Brother.' When C4 got rid of it I rang the helpline in 'Heat' magazine. I was that devastated.

Writing an acceptance speech gives you the expectation of winning, and you are therefore devastated or hurt if you didn't win.

Many communities are already devastated by poverty. Increasingly, that poverty is born of the greed of a global trading system.

By pouring money and goods into devastated regions, foreign aid workers sometimes compound the disruption and debauch the survivors.

I think I've drawn from some of the most feminine women, like Jackie Kennedy. I am totally devastated that she's gone. She had it all.

I was paralyzed for so long by people's opinions. I would be devastated to the point where I didn't know if I could make it through the day.

I've benefited enormously from an arts education and a music education in New York. When they cut the programs for funding, I was devastated.

My mother died of a stroke in 1974, and for a long time, I blamed myself. She was utterly devastated when I told her I was a lesbian not long before.

When I travel, I can leave everything at home apart from books. I curate my holiday reading rigorously and would be devastated if I found I'd left one at home.

I was made redundant from a job as a PA in a shirt-making company in 1996. I was devastated. I had been there for three years, and it was a job I really liked.

The good part about being a pessimist is, when something bad happens, you're never really devastated by it. And when something good happens, it's such a bonus.

Up until the 17th century, Germany was far more advanced, but then everything devastated by the 30 Years War began to fall apart... The culture is not innocent.

I couldn't walk down any street in Britain without being laughed at. It was a nightmare. My children were devastated because their dad was a figure of ridicule.

There is no excuse whatsoever for men to harass women in an abusive sexual manner. And, I am devastated that anyone should deem me capable of thinking otherwise.

I was devastated when 'Days' let me go and couldn't help but feel it was my fault. What did I do wrong? What happened? It sucks. You always think it's your fault.

Kurt and I weren't the closest of friends, but I knew him well enough to be devastated by his death. For such a quiet person, he was so excited about having a child.

Sometimes women get devastated by failing. Athletes don't; they just know that means they've got to practise harder, and they've got to do something else differently.

I mean, I felt terrible. And in the beginning, I mean, I was completely devastated. I mean, can you imagine the kind of guilt that you would feel, and the responsibility?

There can be no debate that we possess a collective moral responsibility to leave a better world for our children rather than a devastated planet stripped of its resources.

My mom passed down to me her old Levi's denim jacket. When I left it on a plane, I was devastated. I've never been able to find anything with quite the same cool, faded look.

I always said I would never leave 'Big Brother' unless I was sacked or not wanted, so if it does go elsewhere and they want a new host then fair enough, but I'll be devastated.

My wife had taken off on a plane. Two airplanes had crashed into the World Trade Center. I, of course, like any other person, felt potentially devastated, panicky a little bit.

Being at Wrestlemania 6, I remember being completely in shock and dumbfounded when Hulk Hogan missed the leg drop and Warrior hit the splash and got the 1-2-3. I was devastated.

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