The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Life is our dictionary.

To make dictionaries is dull work.

Impossibility is a dictionary word.

I'm a massive fan of the dictionary.

The dictionary contains no metaphors.

Dictionaries stop where the heart starts.

I put a Phrygian cap on the old dictionary.

Faith is what replaces doubt in my dictionary.

Dictionary: The universe in alphabetical order.

Nature is a dictionary; one draws words from it.

Don't hate the word, playa; hate the dictionary.

Impossible is the word for fools in my dictionary.

In the dictionary of satyagraha, there is no enemy.

I keep a big, fat dictionary with me while writing.

I once tried to read the dictionary. It didn't work.

I think 'unbelievable' is an unbelievably stupid word.

Acedia is not in every dictionary; just in every heart.

For me there is no such word as luck in the dictionary.

I am the sole author of the dictionary that defines me.

In the dictionary under redundant it says see redundant.

Poetry consists in a rhyming dictionary and things seen.

Reasonable men are the best dictionaries of conversation.

For me there is no such word as 'luck' in the dictionary.

The word gratitude is not part of the Hollywood dictionary.

Facts are not science - as the dictionary is not literature.

Strike and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary.

You do not find knowledge in a dictionary, only information.

The word 'gratitude' is not part of the Hollywood dictionary.

I'm simply not afraid. It's not in my dictionary of behaviour.

Dictionary - opinion expressed as truth in alphabetical order.

If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?

There are very few good ways to get publicity for a dictionary.

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.

Boulder should be next to the word 'community' in the dictionary.

A lot of people use the dictionary to find out how to spell words.

A dictionary is merely the universe arranged in alphabetical order.

If you have a big enough dictionary, just about everything is a word.

Every time I have to look up a word in the dictionary, I'm delighted.

I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything.

When I need to know the meaning of a word, I look it up in a dictionary.

When you look up 'hilarious' in the dictionary, there's a picture of you.

The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary.

The greatest masterpiece in literature is only a dictionary out of order.

I use the dictionary all the time when I'm reading or working on scripts.

The dictionary is a wonderful thing, but you can't let it push you around.

I finally got around to reading the dictionary. Turns out the Zebra did it.

Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.

Nonsense, n. The objections that are urged against this excellent dictionary.

A dictionary can embrace only a small part of the vast tapestry of a language.

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