I just like documentaries.

My roots are documentaries.

No one likes documentaries.

I hate making TV documentaries.

Documentaries make a difference.

A good film is also a documentary

There's no money in documentaries.

I love documentaries and TED talks.

I am really into crime documentaries.

Documentaries are a form of journalism.

I think most documentaries are too long.

For a documentary filmmaker, I do very well.

A good night in is a series of documentaries.

I'm a massive sucker for music documentaries.

Fear is not a word in my football documentary.

I love documentaries, I like observing real people.

A documentary photograph is not a factual photograph.

I'm kind of a twisted social documentary photographer.

I don't think I'll be making documentaries my whole life.

Mostly, what I watch are reality shows and documentaries.

I love documentaries and I watch documentaries to no end.

I only ever wanted to do history, and make documentaries.

I've always been weirdly interested in food documentaries.

I never say I make documentaries. I say I make television.

I love to watch documentaries on The History Channel and TLC.

I love going on BBC6 and BBC7 and listening to documentaries.

Documentaries have always inspired me in narrative filmmaking.

I love documentaries. It's actually my favorite medium of film.

I'm addicted to documentaries. That's all I watch on television.

I suppose making documentaries is like doing journalism on film.

We all need to be huge supporters of the theatrical documentary.

If I weren't making documentary films, I suppose I'd be teaching.

I'm not necessarily scanning for clues when I make documentaries.

Brilliant documentaries are about so much more than their subject.

I don't watch a lot of TV, but I watch cartoons. And documentaries.

Photography is not documentary, but intuition, a poetic experience.

The Highlander was a documentary, and events happened in real time.

I watch mostly documentaries and things that aren't remotely funny.

My father was an amateur filmmaker who shot 8mm color documentaries.

I watch documentaries and travel the world and see all sorts of life.

So I do tend to do documentaries where I can move in and out of them.

I want to do a documentary about strippers, 'cause it's a moneymaker.

Monty Python: A documentary series on everyday life in Great Britain.

I came from a background of directing behind-the-scenes documentaries.

I am a big fan of Jim Jarmusch and I do love big screen documentaries.

I watch documentaries for information. I watch films to be entertained.

I am a big fan of Jim Jarmusch, and I do love big screen documentaries.

I did documentaries for maybe 10 years before I turned to fiction films.

I love documentaries. My problem is when the filmmaker becomes the star.

Sound is the most important thing on any film, especially documentaries.

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