I wasn't drafted high.

I was drafted during the Korean War.

That's a special time, to get drafted.

I didn't even care where I was drafted.

It doesn't matter where you get drafted.

It's every kid's dream to be drafted No. 1.

Not everyone gets the chance to be drafted.

Once you're drafted there is no time to relax.

I wasn't ready to get drafted in the first round.

I wasn't going to be drafted to steal bases at 18.

I grew up a Dodger and got drafted by the Dodgers.

I was pretty realistic about my chances of being drafted.

In college, playing the two guard, I found a way to get drafted.

People see me scoring now, but I got drafted because of my defense.

I feel like the Knicks drafted me because they knew what I could do.

Ever since I got drafted by the Yankees, I've been working on my swing.

I want to be drafted to a team that knows exactly what they're getting.

I was going to get drafted, but I didn't really want to go into the Army.

If I'm able to get drafted by the New York Knicks, it would be a blessing.

My senior year in high school I knew was going to be drafted into the NBA.

I made hats until I went into the Army. I was drafted during the Korean War.

I was drafted when I was 17, and I spent two years, and I lost a friend in war.

I had all kinds of different quarterbacks. But we never drafted a first-rounder.

Kicking's kicking. Pressure's pressure. You beat other guys just to get drafted.

Remember this about the Korean War: The men were drafted; the women volunteered.

The NBA has never drafted a player for defense. At any position, even at center.

I already said it when I got drafted: I wanted to bring a Super Bowl to Baltimore.

I still say one of the greatest moments in my whole NBA career was getting drafted.

It feels really great to finally be able to have the moment of being drafted No. 1.

I had been told I might be drafted in the fourth round. 'Great,' I said at the time.

My family grew up Pittsburgh Steelers fans, and it's crazy I even got drafted there.

When I was drafted, I didn't know any better. I didn't think I had to hit for power.

I'm not really too focused on where I get drafted. It's what I do after I get drafted.

It was a dream come true to be drafted by a pro team and have the opportunity to play.

The rich are staying in school, and the poor are being drafted. I can't live with that.

I'm just happy to be drafted. It's my lifelong dream. Wherever I end up, I'll be happy.

Kobe Bryant has always been my favorite player, and he was drafted No. 13, too, in 1996.

I knew there were going to be boos if the Knicks drafted me. That's how New York fans are.

When I was agriculture minister, we drafted specific policies to tackle the agrarian crisis.

I was happy that I was drafted, and then it was the Yankees and that just made it even better.

That makes no sense for someone to say if they were drafted by their country, that they'd say no.

I just want to get drafted to a good team, good organization that is going to maximize my talents.

Boy, I'll tell you, when the Rams drafted me No. 1, it surprised me. I was walking on air for days.

Listen, we've drafted guys that wouldn't come in for workouts before. It's not the end of the world.

You get drafted by an NHL team, you're kind of living the good life. So, I mean for me, it's all awesome.

I think a guy like Saquon Barkley is a very special back, and where the was drafted was very appropriate.

I was drafted way later than I should have been, and all that shows me is people don't see my true value.

I was invited to play with the New York Knicks. I was never drafted, but I was invited to the rookie camp.

When I got drafted I just wanted to play one game in the NHL. I didn't really care anything about winning.

I cried when I was drafted by Buffalo... You can't be a great quarterback in snow and 30 mile-an-hour wind.

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