My earliest memories are of dysphoria.

My earliest memories have to do with music.

My earliest celebrity crush was/is Nick Jonas.

My earliest memories are doing commercials and TV.

From my earliest days I had a passion for science.

From my earliest days, I was fascinated by science.

The earliest adopters at scale of crypto were gamers.

My earliest influences were things I heard in my household.

My earliest memories are of visiting the justice department.

The earliest you can play Christmas music is on Thanksgiving.

My earliest memories of country music are the Grand Ole Opry.

My earliest influences were Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent.

Wrestling is one of the earliest and oldest martial arts there is.

From the earliest memories I have, I liked physical, funny things.

Online abuse has been a problem since the earliest days of the web.

My earliest memories are being pinned to a fence with a switchblade.

Some of our earliest writing, in cuneiform, was about who owes what.

I played a biker in one of my earliest films in Telugu, 'Mr Perfect.'

Female friendships have sustained me from my earliest days as a child.

I loved music from earliest childhood - from as long as I can remember.

I wrote my earliest piece for The Sunday Times about being a young wife.

Even the earliest cave paintings in France and Spain had natural motion.

My earliest memory of music has to be watching my mother play the santoor.

One of my earliest memories of writing at a piano was alongside my sister.

Growing up, my earliest memories are listening to Sinatra Christmas albums.

My earliest childhood memories are just of me falling and getting injuries.

The earliest form in which romances appear is that of a rude kind of verse.

I always sensed instinctively from the earliest age that I was being lied to.

My earliest experiences in meditation were in a context of intensive retreats.

My earliest influence was Shakespeare - I read Shakespeare incessantly as a kid.

My earliest memory is learning to read 'Muffin the Mule' when I was about three.

Some of my earliest memories are dancing in the kitchen, standing on my mom's toes.

Probably the earliest memories for me would be going to restaurants with my family.

My earliest memories are of the civil rights era. My earliest experiences were rage.

My earliest memory of dancing is that I won a dance contest in Jamaica when I was 6.

It is the pride of my heart to have been one of the earliest adopted sons of America.

But in terms of satire and comedy, our biggest and earliest influence was Mad magazine.

Some of my earliest heroes were congresswomen like Shirley Chisholm and Barbara Jordan.

My earliest memory is feeling soil between my fingers when I was around three years old.

From its earliest days, stem cell research has been important to the people of Wisconsin.

My earliest memory is of sitting at Mum's dance school, watching her teach a ballet class.

My earliest memories were in the back of my grandad's car listening to Test Match Special.

My earliest childhood memory is watching the sunlight through a jar of amber full of wasps.

From my earliest days as an actress, I had always been drawn to learning the director's job.

My earliest memory is aged three, seeing sunlight on water and feeling it was really magical.

I have been regularly confronted with racism, very regularly, and since my earliest childhood.

My earliest memories are the best. I always try to remember the good times when Daddy was alive.

Horses and mules, and even sail cars, made more rapid progress than did the earliest locomotive.

My earliest memory was watching gymnastics on live TV and wanting to do what the 'big girls' did.

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