My mom is in charge of my earnings.

My earnings were through evil portrayals.

I'm very serious; I don't waste my earnings.

I give a percentage of the earnings to the Motion Picture Home.

If expectations of lifetime earnings drop, then so will spending.

We have seen economic growth. But we have not seen earnings growth.

United's 2015 earnings were one of the best in the company's history.

Most performers spend half their earnings taking care of family members.

For the most part, earnings and market value growth are a result of reduced expenses.

Wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of industry and the savings of frugality.

Chasing revenues that don't have good earnings doesn't help us or shareholders one lick.

But for labor groups, there is no debate: Nafta hurt American jobs and household earnings.

We would buy more magazines if they are category leaders. We like to acquire earnings potential.

In real terms, there is a greater disparity of earnings between the very rich and the very poor.

The more education a woman has, the wider the gap between men's and women's earnings for the same work.

When it comes to valuation, there's only one thing stock investors really care about, which is earnings.

They get, you know, whatever they want from their earnings, and their earnings go into their own company.

At the end of the day, dividends are not being paid with margins; dividends are paid with earnings per share.

One hundred percent of our earnings are reinvested in the company, and a great deal of that goes to research.

Any jerk can have short-term earnings. You squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, and the company sinks five years later.

The children of the unemployed achieve less in school and appear to have reduced long-term earnings prospects.

When you go public, the value equation of your company changes immediately. It is valued on anticipated earnings.

The market is often stupid, but you can't focus on that. Focus on the underlying value of dividends and earnings.

I basically have paid for a piano and a flat-screen television completely with my poker earnings. I'm pretty good at it.

Our continued investment in productivity will add to our margins, and you'll see that reflected in the bottom line earnings.

Sometimes it takes longer to create value, but if the companies generate more earnings, the stocks will ultimately reflect that.

Corporations today, by their razor sharp focus on the 'bottom line' and quarterly earnings, have lost their ability to innovate.

I think it's smart for the United States to have some kind of tax revenue for international earnings - if that tax were reasonable.

The graduate earnings premium, used by the Tories to justify many of their regressive higher education policies, is fast becoming a myth.

Investors have been too willing to buy stocks with strong reported earnings, even if they do not understand how the earnings are produced.

School desegregation is associated with higher graduation rates, greater employability, higher earnings, and decreased rates of incarceration.

Accounting does not make corporate earnings or balance sheets more volatile. Accounting just increases the transparency of volatility in earnings.

I met with several public company CEOs to learn about their experiences of going public and listened to as many earnings calls as I possibly could.

Woman must have a purse of her own, and how can this be so long as the law denies to the wife all right to both the individual and the joint earnings?

The cyberspace earnings I get from Linux come in the format of having a Network of people that know me and trust me, and that I can depend on in return.

The Trump economy is fundamentally strong and delivering good jobs and higher earnings for the working Americans who suffered in the years of stagnation.

Savings is an important tool because it can help the poor deal with the ups and downs of irregular earnings and help them build reserves for a rainy day.

For me, I get immense pleasure out of giving. I do what I can. I try and give around 10% of my earnings a year. Some years, I give more, some I give less.

One tax dodge often used by multi-national companies is to squirrel their earnings abroad in foreign subsidiaries located in countries where taxes are lower.

I have almost no interest in quarterly reports. Running a business or investing in a business based on quarterly earnings doesn't make any sense at all to me.

There's a tacit understanding among clubs that a good player shouldn't miss out on the big break of his career or a chance at exponentially improved earnings.

Almost everyone agrees that corporate tax rates need to be cut because of global competition. Companies should not be able to stash earnings overseas tax-free.

Immigrants aren't the reason wages haven't gone up enough; those decisions are made in the boardrooms that too often put quarterly earnings over long-term returns.

A typical Ponzi scheme involves taking money from investors, then paying them off with money taken from new investors, rather than paying them from actual earnings.

To be in the UFC and have the name but not the earnings, good for you, you get a hand clasp and a shake and a don't let the door hit you on the way out sort of thing.

If you truly want to innovate, there will be some failures, and this can be difficult for some organizations - especially public companies managing quarterly earnings.

While women certainly have made great strides toward pay parity in the past 30 years, there is still a gap in earnings between men and women in equivalent professions.

A song is essentially an 'asset' after its creation and release because it can be traded, sold or rented. This makes it the backbone of earnings in the 'music ecosystem.'

I had to turn down a part in 'Empire of the Sun.' It would have paid £15,000, which was a year's earnings for me then, but I was offered a season at the 'National Theatre.'

People forget that although we can pinpoint the price, we can only guess at future earnings. The past isn't much help: It simply tells whether a market was pricey or cheap.

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