Economics spreads happiness.

Economy, the poor man's mint.

Every man lives by exchanging.

Supply creates its own demand.

Economics is not brain surgery.

Software engineering economics.

Man does not live by GNP alone.

Men will not always die quietly.

Good economics is good politics.

Whatever you tax you get less of.

Economics is not a morality play.

Economics is not an exact science.

Science advances funeral by funeral

No one is entertained by economics.

I am not against a little inflation.

Economics is a form of brain damage.

Man is a perpetually wanting animal.

We have one asset, and that's people.

There is no business on a dead planet

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

Economics is a very dangerous science.

Moore's law is really about economics.

If it's free put me down for two please

Good environmentalism is good economics

Economics is on the side of humanity now.

Economics is really politics in disguise.

Inflation is the senility of democracies.

The truth is never pure and rarely simple.

The perennial gale of creative destruction

I don't think you can spend yourself rich.

In economics, the majority is always wrong.

owning capital is not a productive activity.

Respectable Professors of the Dismal Science.

When men are employed they are best contented.

Obviousness is always the enemy of correctness.

Society doesn't have values. People have values.

Economics and ethics are not mutually exclusive.

You alleviate poverty by trickle-down economics.

If something cannot go on for ever, it will stop

Innovations until now conceived by no one at all

The best of all monopoly profits is a quiet life.

Trickle down economics creates a nation of peons.

Conventional economics is a form of brain damage.

Often the masses are plundered and do not know it.

I believe the power to make money is a gift of God.

Our necessities are few, but our wants are endless.

Bad times are indelible. They stay with you forever.

There can be economy only where there is efficiency.

I have never read it. You should not waste your time.

Nothing so weakens government as persistent inflation.

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