I don't feel depressed. I feel elated.

If fortune favors you do not be elated; if she frowns do not despond.

I will not be discouraged by failure; I will not be elated by success.

I was elated, ecstatic and extremely surprised that we were successful.

I really feel elated and proud for the achievements of my children and my family.

Never elated when someone's oppressed, never dejected when another one's blessed.

Do not get elated at any victory, for all such victory is subject to the will of God.

I am extremely elated to be in the Indian World Cup team. This is like a dream come true.

If I can introduce someone to something new, as is constantly happening to me, then I am elated.

The Indians were well mounted and felt proud and elated because they had been made United States soldiers.

An actor's body should be full of emotions, whether it is happiness or sorrow, pain or joy, enraged or elated.

Swayamvar' is one of the most anticipated and sought after shows on television and I am elated to be a part of it.

You have to deal with your emotions and not spike too much on the graph - not get too elated with the highs or too down with the lows.

I was elated when I found out my first novel, 'Leaving Patrick,' about a woman who walks out on her husband, was going to be published.

I would honestly be elated if I could wave a magic wand and eradicate my back catalog and then have a fresh crack at some of those ideas.

Psychotherapy is a sanctuary; it is a battleground; it is a place I have been psychotic, neurotic, elated, confused, and despairing beyond belief.

Why should blacks feel elated about seeing men walk on the moon when millions of poor blacks and whites don't have enough money to buy food to eat on earth?

But it's the love of audience that encourages you to try out better things each time and I feel elated that I have the opportunity to work across so many languages.

My dad does watch my work now. My parents watch everything I'm on. I think the first time they saw something was 'Captain America,' and he called me, and he was so elated.

The city and province were given up to anarchy; the coloured people, elated with victory, proclaimed the slaughter of all whites, except the English, French, and American residents.

I like to style myself and aim to wear the coolest of clothes that I can lay my hands on! It's my conscious effort to look different and dress up funky. I feel elated that people notice the crazy things I do.

When I would walk down the runway back in the late 90s, I could feel the tension from others who knew I was transgender. I could see the joy on the faces of people from my community, elated to see someone represent them.

When my kids love my work, I feel elated and victorious; it means more to me than an Oscar. And when they are silent, I'm proud that they have a mind and perspective of their own and are courageous enough not to say things just to please me.

I find my greatest happiness in thinking of those days in Homestead when I labored to bring a thing to perfection entirely by myself. In the evenings, I would go into the hills and look down on my work, and I knew that it was good, and my heart was elated.

To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life.

I would be sitting in my flat watching TV, and 'Doctor Who' would be on with my flatmate there. I would have loved to share the fact that I was the new Doctor, but I couldn't. I was going mad. My dad was rather flabbergasted. When I told him, he laughed. He was excited, elated and very proud.

There were moments where Supergirl gets a thrashing in the pilot, where if a man in the 'Flash' or 'Arrow' pilot got beat up, people didn't visibly wince. And I watched in testing, people in the audience really became uncomfortable by the fisticuffs and the action. But then, they were elated and cheering at the end.

There's no greatest moment in the arts. It's a life, it's a continuity thing. You can't have a great moment because it's spiritual. It's a belief, it's a calling. If you're an artist, doing your own thing on your own, it's while you're doing it that counts. It's a process. If you get too elated, you can get too depressed.

I read John Irving's novel 'The World According To Garp' when I was about 14 or 15. It was the first grown-up book that I had read. It is the story of a young man who grows up to be a novelist. I finished it, and I wanted to write a book that made the reader feel the way I felt at the end of that, which was sort of both bereft and elated.

First I was still excited and elated about winning the Rhodes scholarship. That was an amazing feat. But then I put my iPod on and started listening to my pre-game music and started to switch my mind to football and was just hoping that the jet would land as quickly as possible so that I could get on the field and help my teammates win the game.

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