I won an Emmy in 2006!

I'm not getting an Emmy.

I was an Emmy nominee and an Emmy snub.

Does Catherine O'Hara deserve an Emmy? Absolutely.

I've got a Grammy and Emmy, I'd like to have a Tony.

The Emmy nomination did a world of good for my confidence.

You cannot win an Emmy for roles that are simply not there.

I had an Oscar, an Emmy, and yet I had this big hole in my soul.

I don't need an Emmy to tell me to go to work. I've been working.

I had no idea you could get an Emmy for creating a computer game.

Boy, oh, boy, people get jaded fast. I got nominated for an Emmy.

The championship, in my eyes, in television, is obviously an Emmy.

My agents and managers deserve a special Emmy award for scheduling.

The night I won the Emmy, I probably cried for three hours on and off.

My Emmy is in my china closet. People don't really look at it, though.

I would do anything I could to try to make sure that Lena Headey wins an Emmy.

The designer of my Emmy gown is donating my gown to the charity for an auction.

I was so grateful to win an Emmy, but just being nominated, it's not overrated!

I think that you do get a little extra jolt of confidence when you win an Emmy.

Actually I walk around with the Emmy wherever I go, but I'm very casual about it.

Maybe some young girl seeing me on the Emmy stage may have meant something for them.

Listen, I would love to win an Emmy at some stage or another. I can't pretend not to.

The Emmy should be an ensemble award, too. I kept howling at everyone else's performances.

I think Seth McFarlane is brilliant, and I think 'Family Guy' should get an Emmy for sure.

I have an Emmy, but it's no big deal: work in TV news long enough, you eventually get one.

I feel like I'm on the inside for the first time. Inside the castle. I have an Emmy nomination!

It's a great way to start the day, hearing you've been nominated for an Emmy. It's just thrilling.

I grew up loving TV so much. It was such an integral part of my youth, and I was completely an Emmy geek.

I'll ask the writers' room who they voted for Emmy awards, but I'll never ask who they voted for president.

I'm really proud of the writing on Door to Door, and I think that's the Emmy that meant the most - the writing.

I've been very, very, very, very fortunate, and I'm very grateful for my career and that, at 60, I won an Emmy.

The Oscar or the Emmy says you've reached a level of competence in this business, and I would love to have one.

The Emmy will have no effect on me, from the standpoint that you've still got to wash your bowl after breakfast.

You don't have the opportunity to win an Emmy unless you're given the opportunity to play certain kinds of roles.

I was never upset that I did not get an Emmy. That I did get an Emmy nomination, I couldn't be happier and prouder.

When I got recognized as a writer, when I got the Emmy, I was more excited than the Emmys I had gotten as an actor.

It was very cool to be honored and be acknowledged in that way for the first time ever, being nominated for an Emmy.

Winning 'Motor Trend' Car of the year is probably the closest thing to winning the Oscar or Emmy of the car industry.

I earned two Emmy nominations for writing, and two of the shows I had written were nominated for best in their category.

I have a box of awards in the closet. I think it is weird to put them out. I might if I had an Emmy or Oscar, but I don't.

I'm thinking about naming my first son Emmy so I can say I've got one. I want Emmy, Oscar and Tony - and my daughter Grammy.

I think it might be interesting to give an Emmy to an outstanding background performance in either a comedy or drama series.

I don't think I have ever worn more outfits over the course of four days than I did Emmy weekend. You barely sleep. You don't eat.

Emmy Lou Harris introduced me to the work of the Vietnam Veterans of America foundation and the Campaign for a Land Mine Free World.

If 'Drag Race' gets an Emmy nomination, I will put on a red glittery face mask over my mouth and I will lip-sync to an Ariana Grande song.

Someone said I wasn't attractive enough. People say those things, but they make you stronger. Then you can win an Emmy and think, ha, ha, ha.

The Emmy that I lost, and I can't remember his name, I lost to the man who did the Olympics. So, it was great to lose to him. It's the Olympics.

Lena Waithe won an Emmy for writing while starring on the Netflix show 'Master of None,' but it might be more accurate to call her a Master of Everything.

Probably one of the happiest moments, outside the birth of all of my kids, was the first time we won an Emmy, that the show won an Emmy. That was a big night.

When I won the Emmy, the profound sense of gratitude when my name was said I cannot express enough. It was one of the most beautiful moments, hands down, of my life.

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