I like doing energetic things.

To be energetic, act energetic.

I feel energetic when I'm working.

I've always been pretty energetic.

I love Joakim Noah. He's energetic.

I'm an energetic person. I work hard.

And Yale is November, crisp and energetic.

Scorsese is very nice. He's small; he's energetic.

A free government is of all others the most energetic.

My personality is energetic, fun, yet slightly psychotic.

Hell is full of the talented, but Heaven of the energetic.

Adam's impulsive and energetic, and I'm calm and methodical.

Being in a studio is quite a creative and energetic process.

True wisdom, in general, consists in energetic determination.

The 'Qarib' team was energetic with an intimate way of working.

If a king is energetic, his subjects will be equally energetic.

My mom's passionate and energetic and very funny and enthusiastic.

Editorial photography has to be energetic and visually competitive.

Fluid and energetic and wild very, very smart and very, very funny.

I guess I am not naturally energetic. I like to sit around and talk.

You get energy from other people, so hang out with energetic people.

I'm actually one of those people who get up energetic in the morning.

If you cut the fat out of your diet you feel more energetic, for sure.

Running - it keeps me balanced, energetic, and primed for pasta intake.

Doing theater is such a specifically energetic and almost acrobatic work.

I'm much more energetic now; you might say live performance is my mission.

Early goals make us more confident and energetic for the rest of the game.

It isn't about the words you say. It's about the energetic message you send.

After the success of 'Bicchagadu,' I am more happy, energetic and confident.

Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and you will accomplish your object.

I would rather have five energetic and competent enemies than one fool friend.

I don't relax. I sit down and contemplate all the energetic things I should do.

You might say that the very best that can happen is to have energetic opponents.

She [Beyonce] is just an energetic performer and she loves drums. She loves edge.

Forgive what you do not approve & love me for this energetic exertion of my talent

I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

The whole Baja California peninsula is an energetic place, and it's incredibly alive.

I'm totally an East Coast person, energetic and sarcastic. I'm not a nice L.A. person.

That was devastating to me: how a bright, energetic kid could turn doomed and desperate.

An energetic man will succeed where an indolent one would vegetate and inevitably perish.

I know of no human being who has a better time than an eager and energetic young reporter.

Today's global justice movement may be the biggest, most diverse and energetic in history.

Sometimes the only thing we do to avoid success is refuse to be energetic on our own behalf

Censors are energetic and righteous people but they just couldn't work a room like Abbe Lane.

My mum and I are, in many ways, quite similar. We're both creative, gregarious, and energetic.

Our kids are super outgoing and energetic, and they definitely don't stay in the house at all.

I was very energetic and very small. I didn't start growing until the last year of high school.

I am an extremely energetic person, and my party songs have managed to click with the listeners.

I work out every day. I still feel fit and energetic. In a way, I'm healthier now that I'm pregnant.

Just being around Salman Khan, who is so energetic and humorous at the same time, is always entertaining.

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