Scholes is very influential for England at international level.

You are as safe with me as you would be in the Bank of England.

In England, pop art and fine art stand resolutely back to back.

Such night in England ne'er had been, nor ne'er again shall be.

Men of England, wherefore plough For the lords who lay you low?

Most brilliant star upon the crest of Time Is England. England!

I once said the Queen of England could use some fashion advice.

Well I've never been to England But I kind of like the Beatles.

The history of England is emphatically the history of progress.

Such night in England ne'er had been, nor ne'er again shall be.

The only people who should play for England are English people.

I couldn't really jet off to the States on a whim and a prayer.

Boy George is all England needs - another queen who can't dress.

I think worrying things are going on in England - a real apathy.

A few years ago England would have struggled to beat the Eskimos

The Gentlemen of England serve under the greatest cad in Europe.

The English have no exaulted sentiments. They can all be bought.

I could take on England, but I couldn't take on one heroin user.

Players only understand substitutions when they become managers.

My life changed incredibly when I moved from Holland to England.

It is to the middle-class we must look for the safety of England.

One person is as good as another in New England, and better, too.

What Americans call cross-ventilation, the English call draughts.

I think England has been in the long-term damaged by Britishness.

England is one of my favorite places. The fans are just so crazy.

In England you laugh at yourselves, in France we laugh at others.

The last positive thing England did for cricket was to invent it.

The nice thing about England is that they actually speak English.

Since Sven Goran Eriksson took over, England have been fantastic.

I didn't realise you could travel so far and still be in England.

The bump I was trying to hide could be the future king of England.

I don't think England is that gray but India is like a long drone.

To preserve my sanity I had to leave England and move to New York.

I'd love to be captain of Tottenham and hopefully England as well.

Me? As England's answer to Jonah Lomu? Joanna Lumley, more likely.

To say that I haven't been motivated to play is absolute nonsense.

The Frenchman invented the ruffle; the Englishman added the shirt.

The Royal family to me are not England, and they are not the flag.

I was born in England, but India is the only place I feel at home.

The Royal family to me are not England, and they are not the flag.

He was inordinately proud of England and he abused her incessantly.

Dover is part of England. It simply can't be part of anywhere else.

I would walk back from the United States to play for England again.

They must go for it now as they have nothing to lose but the match.

I am conscious of having served England as I served my own country.

In spite of their hats being very ugly, Goddam! I love the English.

In England the only homage which they pay to Virtue - is hypocrisy.

I would love this place to be my garden. (on Arsenal's old stadium)

Referees don't come down here with a particular flavoured shirt on.

Let the French but have England, and they won't want to conquer it.

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