Why bad things happen to good people

Essentially, all life depends upon the soil

Erosion of cities or attrition of automobiles?

We need to stop the erosion of parental authority.

The only true aging is the erosion of one's ideals.

All our rights are gradually eroded as government gets bigger.

There is no question of any erosion of essential national sovereignty.

The universal erosion of values has lead to the universal erosion of story.

Over the past two decades, we have clearly seen an erosion of ethical values.

Over the past two decades, we have clearly seen an erosion of ethical values.

Nothing guarantees more the erosion of character than getting something for nothing

I have control of my recurrent corneal erosion, as opposed to it having control of me.

Erosion of faith and trust in government - that is the real problem that confronts us.

Americans have seen the value of the dollar slowly decline due to the steady erosion of inflation.

The erosion of personal freedom and liberty as a result of federal policy and legislation is alarming.

The only way to stop the erosion in network television is to come up with shows that are very popular.

Although technology has enhanced our lives in many ways, it has also ensured the erosion of imagination.

When you cheer for the erosion of Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs rights, you're cheering for the erosion of your own.

I find it upsetting to see the erosion of manners. It's very scary. Where are the 'pleases' and 'thank yous?'

Wartime always brings expansions of state power, together with erosions of moral and constitutional standards.

The erosion of a nation's concern for life and for individual rights, has always preceded the intrusion of tyranny.

Some golfers blast their ball from traps, With one adroit explosion, But others, out in ten perhaps, Depend upon erosion.

There should be no effort, consciously or otherwise, that will lead to the erosion of institutional credibility and authority.

A rill in a barnyard and the Grand Canyon represent, in the main, stages of valley erosion that began some millions of years apart.

Erosion, desertification, and pollution have become our lot. It is a weird form of suicide, for we are bleeding our planet to death.

National security is the first duty of government but we are also committed to reversing the substantial erosion of civil liberties.

Essentially, all life depends upon the soil ... There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together.

Parties don't lose overnight, there is a gradual erosion of their base and electoral machine, which leads to sometimes cataclysmic defeat.

The bottom has fallen out of America's wage floor. And the erosion of the minimum wage has lowered pay and working standards for all of us.

Turkey was fantastic, Turkey was like mystical and such a special place. Just unique, something that's really hard to describe, such beauty.

The goal of privacy is not to protect some stable self from erosion but to create boundaries where this self can emerge, mutate, and stabilize.

I believe the processes of good governance have gone astray. Specifically there is an erosion of transparency, independence and accountability.

The continued erosion of the one country, two systems framework puts at risk Hong Kong's long-established special status in international affairs.

My feeling is that the beaches should belong to everybody. Nobody should be able to build anything. It causes erosion. It's a bad thing altogether.

There is only one way to solve the alleged crisis of the erosion of 'family values.' And that is to get right down to the root cause of the problem.

Most floods are caused by man, not weather; deforestation, levee construction, erosion, and overgrazing all result in the loss of ecosystem services.

Unfortunately, we haven't found many very old rocks on Earth because our planet's surface is constantly renewed by plate tectonics, coupled with erosion.

Today's average American is more apt to rebel against a tennis shoe not coming in the right color than against the slow erosion of our democratic freedom.

This erosion of the middle class is happening all over the place. The opening of a wider gap between rich and poor is always accompanied by such a process.

If evil is empathy erosion, and empathy erosion is a form of illness, then evil turns out to be nothing more than a particularly awful psychological disorder.

My hope is that we're going to end up with a far more tolerant society, where the erosion of privacy, to the extent it erodes, will be offset by increased tolerance.

Traditional TV will have to innovate their TV delivery software in new ways beyond just offering their content in an app in order to change the viewing erosion of TV.

To see rich land eaten away by erosion, to stand by as continual cultivation on sloping fields wears away the best soil, is enough to make a good farmer sick at heart.

Price erosion in components is quite fast. If you can capitalize on that by bringing products to the market faster, you will actually gain a better margin realization.

The erosion of privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment, written to protect us against unreasonable search and seizure, began in earnest under President George W. Bush.

The erosion of extended family concept and losing out on values are the two things that are primarily responsible for the growing mismatch in the parent-child relationship.

For most mothers, vaccinations become a matter of faith - faith in pharmaceutical companies, faith in public health officials - and I think there's been an erosion of faith.

Natural erosion had reduced the critical barrier islands in the Gulf, the result of the destruction of some 300,000 acres of wetlands. This amounted to 30 miles of marshlands.

The problem we have in America is the systematic erosion of our religious values in an attempt by certain liberal groups to expunge our Christian heritage from the public square.

We must erase bin Laden's ugly legacy, not extend it: by ending the Patriot Act's erosion of our civil liberties, we can protect the freedoms that make America worth fighting for.

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