I have a good work ethic.

I have a strong work ethic.

My work ethic is from sports.

My parents had a great work ethic.

I actually really enjoy work ethic.

I just think my work ethic really shows.

My work ethic has never been a question.

I want to have the strongest work ethic.

I think I have a really good work ethic.

I believe Americans have a strong work ethic.

My work ethic is, I think, from my farm life.

I know I need a work ethic to match my talent.

How can you question Chris Jericho's work ethic?

I inherited my dad's sense of humor and work ethic.

All you need is heart, work ethic, and to dream big.

The only possible ethic is to do what one wants to do.

I guess maybe another gift I have is a great work ethic.

Work ethic is probably my No. 1 value and No. 1 attribute.

I hold very high expectations of myself and my work ethic.

Kanye inspires me through his work ethic and his approach.

I'm talented, but my work ethic has pushed me over the top.

I still have my talent, knowledge and I have my work ethic.

My parents instilled a strong work ethic early on in my life.

You need lofty goals. Then cement it with a great work ethic.

The Christian ethic played an essential part in my upbringing.

I have a work ethic. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it.

Across professions, consistency is a direct product of work ethic.

I've always had a great work ethic, even when I was washing dishes.

I know my work ethic and know what I've put in to get where I'm at.

It is the unspoken ethic of all magicians to not reveal the secrets.

My work ethic I learned at Miami High, and I have taken that with me.

I can only control myself, my actions, my work ethic, and my attitude.

Extreme people combine brilliance and talent with an insane work ethic.

I come from south Louisiana where everyone has a blue-collar work ethic.

My work ethic is crazy. I'm a producer, an artist, and a video director.

Future is different from a lot of artists just because of his work ethic.

There's such a work ethic involved in theatre that you can't learn in L.A.

I have a great work ethic because I've watched my parents work super hard.

I have a crazy work ethic. I'll do 20 songs a day. I love music that much.

I don't think I've met anyone with a stronger work ethic than Ray Charles.

I really respect Zakk Wylde's guitar playing and his compulsive work ethic.

The guys that have that drive, that work ethic, make it farther and farther.

You can control two things: your work ethic and your attitude about anything.

My relationship with fans is based off the love of my work and my work ethic.

I don't have a good work ethic. I have a real casual relationship with hours.

There's a strong working-class work ethic in my family, which makes us strong.

I developed a really strong work ethic, and I don't take anything for granted.

I don't want to get lost in everything. I just want to keep the same work ethic.

There is a profound ethic to architecture which is different from the other arts.

'All My Children' taught me a great work ethic; you work so hard on a soap opera!

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