Today, you expand or you are expendable.

Start wide, expand further, and never look back.

I am always looking for ways to expand my brand.

A good idea for lyrics and a melody to expand on.

My target is to expand the BJP's influence everywhere.

What better way to expand your imagination than to read!

You need to make certain decisions to expand your market.

It's important for our state to expand manufacturing jobs.

I want to expand my horizons and mix with different people.

We're trying to always expand Smosh and make Smosh a big thing.

The best time to expand is when people are asleep at the wheel.

Be drawn to the visual arts for it can expand your imagination.

Stand-up comedy is an art form and it dies unless you expand it.

I really think we need to see how we can expand our privacy laws.

Being comfortable isn't the way to learn to expand your abilities.

You got to expand the sound to expand your horizon and your fanbase.

Growing up, I was such a picky eater. I'm finally starting to expand.

There is unlimited scope for a film to expand and grow on the Internet.

I'm looking to expand my portfolio while I'm on top and while I'm young.

If you overdo something, you end up typecast. You always have to expand.

I do realise I need to expand my social circle so I can meet more people.

I've done comedy most of my career, which I love, but I wanted to expand.

We're trying to make sure it goes up. Expand NASCAR, expand our fan base.

You have to be committed to expand rights and opportunities for all women.

Pets, like their owners, tend to expand a little over the Christmas period.

I think a progressive is someone who cares to expand freedom for everybody.

America works best when we work together to expand the circle of inclusion.

People think of me and think, 'Ibiza and hippy look.' I'm trying to expand.

We're going to expand access to health care by expanding Medicaid in my state.

As snap-backs became more popular, I started to search and expand my hat game.

I've been taking tabla lessons and they've helped expand my rhythmic horizons.

To educate the intelligence is to expand the horizon of its wants and desires.

I suffered evils, but without allowing them to rob me of the freedom to expand.

What we did was make it easier for people to subscribe to and expand Obamacare.

When you're trying to expand your business, it's about real estate in the stores.

I am all for using business - public and private - to expand healthcare coverage.

Growth is uncomfortable; you have to embrace the discomfort if you want to expand.

Our human population continues to expand at such a scary rate - it's unbelievable.

Faced with a deep recession, some say the answer is to expand the role of government.

We are not selling the black cab in large enough volumes. We want to expand globally.

I want to expand my cuisine to this country. I love America. I have been here 22 years.

I want to expand and not ignore the late 20th-century additions to filmed entertainment.

Some members of the ruling class are making a concerted effort to expand the wealth gap.

We don't have a lot of space in our imaginations to allow people to expand what they do.

My mother raised me as a vegetarian, but when I turned 18, I decided to expand my palate.

Just figuring it out for 30 years - 30 years... I think I'm ready now to expand - to grow.

Where opportunities to expand trade and commerce exist, we will lead, and we will partner.

We are excited to expand globally and allow kids to share back and fourth with each other.

I want to expand what I do and definitely focus a little more in the acting, theater world.

I enjoyed 'The OC' immensely but I want to expand my horizons more before repeating myself.

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