I do loathe explanations.

When I sing, people shut up.

No excuses. No explanations.

We've got ego's like hairdos.

I've got more class than most.

I see the light in your smile.

Good luck needs no explanation.

Like a mountain that's growing.

Inside the silence is a melody.

Parade your pallor in iniquity.

I am the Fred Astaire of karate.

The American vice is explanation.

Listen. Don't explain or justify.

I don't read books, I write them.

I have nothing intelligent to say.


Establish enigmas, not explanations.

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

I'd lie for you and that's the truth.

God is the explanation of all things.

He who believes needs no explanation.

Who then will explain the explanation?

Was he a doper or was he just a loser?

Science is prediction, not explanation.

My uncle used to love me, but she died.

God means movement, and not explanation.

We live by promises not by explanations.

Words are useless, especially sentences.

Explanations are a substitute for trust.

Medication without explanation is obscene.

I am, I cried. I am, I said. And I am lost.

If people screw me, I screw back in spades.

I like children. If they're properly cooked.

Every explanation is after all an hypothesis.

An alternate explanation is not a refutation.

My words are a whisper, your deafness a shout.

I'm just an old maid with an attraction to men.

The work of a man is the explanation of the man.

There are no explanations, there are no answers.

Things from the heart don't have an explanation.

I believe I am entitled to a public explanation.

Explanation of the unspeakable cannot be finished.

The simplest explanation is always the most likely.

I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage.

The patient needs an experience, not an explanation.

I fear explanations explanatory of things explained.

If I hadn't been a woman, I'd have been a drag queen

I owe everything - my success and happiness - to men.

To rush into explanations is always a sign of weakness.

An ounce of convention is worth a pound of explanation.

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