Art seduces, but does not exploit.

We do not exploit our dolphins for profit.

I am fast and I always try to exploit that.

Politicians will only exploit you for nothing.

I don't think you should exploit your own pain.

I have never given others a chance to exploit me.

Say no to circuses that exploit and abuse animals.

If I produce myself, I'm gonna exploit no one - just myself.

The rich don't exploit the poor. They just out-compete them.

I'm taught to adapt and exploit every situation in the ring.

I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.

I hope that anyone I worked with wouldn't exploit our relationship.

People who exploit their power and abuse others need to be revealed.

In fact, to gull a fool seems to me an exploit worthy of a witty man.

Any fool can have bad luck; the art consists in knowing how to exploit it.

Crime is stupid, lazy and weak. You can only exploit it and make money out of it.

A modern fleet of ships does not so much make use of the sea as exploit a highway.

Shame is an unhappy emotion invented by pietists in order to exploit the human race.

Punk is not dead. Punk will only die when corporations can exploit and mass produce it.

As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit.

I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience.

I am not going to give in to people who try to exploit me because of my celebrity status.

I value my privacy and my personal life - and I certainly don't exploit my personal life.

As long as inequality and other social problems plague us, populists will try to exploit them.

Much of outcomes research is a systematic attempt to exploit what is known and make it better.

When India got independence, entrepreneurs were seen as a bad lot, as people who would exploit.

I'm a mismatch at the four, so a lot of times, I have slower guys on me, and I can exploit that.

It would be a most despicable thing to suggest I would exploit the poor for my own personal gain.

Everybody has a camcorder now, and they exploit these incidents and blow them all out of proportion.

Jihadist organizations attempt to exploit discontent among marginalized groups in unstable societies.

Ek Tappa Out' is a huge platform for the new talent and I think everyone should exploit this opportunity.

I'll stop when I think I'm not doing good stuff. I'll never exploit something just because people like it.

The more we exploit nature, The more our options are reduced, until we have only one: to fight for survival.

There's been intelligence that terrorists would look to programs such as the visa waiver program to exploit.

In the past, on Earth, it has largely been to exploit foreign resources and to expand the domestic territory.

Attackers are able to amortize the cost of exploit, malware, and infrastructure development across many targets.

Just based on my own family and background, I would not be in a film that would exploit or sensationalize anyone.

There are people all over the world who are willing to exploit others. You can't just point the finger at America.

If the world is presented as resources to be exploited, then, more than likely, you're going to exploit the world.

People who exploit others come to spend an enormous amount of energy wondering about and justifying that exploitation.

At first I was a little leery to just post photos of my little girl all the time and kind of exploit her to the world.

We know there is a very powerful fan base for Liverpool in Asia. We are not embarrassed to say we want to exploit that.

India is at the vanguard of figuring out how to exploit technology and innovation on behalf of democratic accountability.

I wrote 'Bamboozled' to expose and uncover the lies liberals have used for generations to exploit minorities for the vote.

Once in a while, I need to go out of my way to do different films, to exploit all commercial angles to cater to the masses.

The susceptibility of the average modern to pictorial suggestion enables advertising to exploit his lessened power of judgment.

I try to exploit things against everybody; that's part of the game: beat the guy that guards me while you're beating their team.

Without a doubt Jon Jones is one of the greatest fighters in history, and, of course, we do see errors that we'll try to exploit.

The ultimate credo of capitalism is to exploit people. It's not like this is just an incidental problem; it's inherent in the system.

In addition to a well-funded school system, we need to encourage and exploit innovative approaches for learning outside the classroom.

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