Almost all exploits are simple mistakes.

My exploits are nothing now to the average person.

Wrinkles on the brow are the imprints of exploits.

Capital exploits the labour of a few to multiply itself.

Whatever your weakness, there’s a hellion to exploit it.

The danger is in what we codify, commodify, and exploit.

Learn what you are good at and exploit it in service to others.

The thing to do is to exploit the meaning of the life you have.

I hope that anyone I worked with wouldn't exploit our relationship.

I do not always listen again but if something strikes me, I exploit it.

Everything connected with war and warlike exploits is interesting to a boy.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.

And guys, if you exploit a girl, it will come back to get you. That's called 'karma.'

I value my privacy and my personal life - and I certainly don't exploit my personal life.

The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.

Time travel is a fantasy we all have. The 'Back to the Future' series really exploits that wish.

I have fond memories of my kabaddi exploits at Lawrence School. I also enjoyed tennis and swimming.

I was quite intrigued by the idea of following the exploits of people who are often in the margins.

I've been lucky to broadcast some great events and to broadcast the exploits of some great players.

The more we exploit nature, The more our options are reduced, until we have only one: to fight for survival.

I love to read about the exploits of technical mountain climbers, but I've never done any vertical climbing.

'George' exploits John Kennedy Jr.'s cult of celebrity at a time when Americans are hungry for icons, not heroes.

My Grandpa Tony was a legend in our family, and also in his own mind. There's no end to the tales of his exploits.

It's more than unsettling to realize there are large companies out there developing backdoors, exploits and trojans.

Each of us possesses a tangible living soul. The system has no such thing. We must not allow the system to exploit us.

Hack fiction exploits curiosity without really satisfying it or making connections between it and anything else in the world.

If you can kill animals, the same attitude can kill human beings. The mentality is the same which exploits nature and which creates wars.

Anyone who has spoken to experienced combat troops knows that they rarely brag about their exploits. Strong and silent is the preferred style.

Thriller novelists get asked - berated, sometimes - about whether their work glorifies bad behavior, even, exploits human tragedy for entertainment.

I think the best American poetry is the poetry that utilizes the resources of poetry rather than exploits the defects or triumphs of the poet's personality.

Comrade Kim Jong Il energetically led the work of defending and honouring Comrade Kim Il Sung's ideas of and exploits in the Juche-oriented women's movement.

I was quite intrigued by the idea of following the exploits of people who are often in the margins. You see the negotiators, but it's usually the SWAT team or the tactical team that draw our eye.

The strategic adversary is fascism... the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.

Many would say the reason why they steal is because they want to have an arsenal for future political exploits. It is a lie. It is greed. In any case, even if you want to do that, you have no right to do it.

I didn't want my parents to know about 4chan at first because of the adult content. By the time I was 18 and could talk about it, the site had become notorious for its exploits and the adult content on there.

When I entered college, it was to study liberal arts. At the University of Pennsylvania, I studied English literature, but I fell in love with broadcasting, with telling stories about other people's exploits.

Capitalism attacks and destroys all the finer sentiments of the human heart; it ruthlessly sweeps away old traditions and ideas opposed to its progress, and it exploits and corrupts those things once held sacred.

It was once religion which told us that we are all sinners because of original sin. It is now the ecology of our planet which pronounces us all to be sinners because of the excessive exploits of human inventiveness.

I think Trump is someone who appreciates and connects with people who hold their own and are strong individuals. I think he can smell weakness, and if you show him weakness, he exploits it, and he doesn't respect you.

You may look at the people who sell the pages of the tabloids, and they're more famous for their personal exploits. I know all about these people, but when was the last time I saw something they've done or bought an album?

The poets, therefore, however much they adorned the gods in their poems, and amplified their exploits with the highest praises, yet very frequently confess that all things are held together and governed by one spirit or mind.

Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people, to pave the way forward for them.

But I was very disappointed that I didn't get a chance to go overseas with that group, might not have gotten back but I wanted very much to go because there's not much of a record of the exploits of the first Negro fighter group.

Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis had enormous talent, and Elvis was the major contributor to an entirely new genre of music. Sometimes their exploits were distasteful to people, but they left behind an enormous body of work that endures.

Eric Ashcroft, a gentle, kind, popular man with a wicked sense of humour, was always modest about his wartime exploits, but eventually, with much prompting from his persistent son, he told me of his terrifying experience on D-Day.

The life of Edward Estlin Cummings began with a childhood in Cambridge, Mass., that he described as happy, but he struggled in both his artistic and romantic exploits against the piousness of his father, an esteemed Harvard professor.

The proud decades of victorious advance of the Juche-oriented youth movement are associated with the invaluable blood and sweat and heroic exploits of the young people who fought self-sacrificingly for the Party, the leader, the country, and the people.

The great Comrade Kim Jong Il provided energetic guidance to defend and honour Comrade Kim Il Sung's idea of and exploits in socialist rural construction and make UAWK organizations creditably perform their duties as organizations for ideological education.

In the past, whistleblowers have had their desks moved to break rooms, broom closets, and basements. It's a clever punishment, good-government activists say, that exploits a gray area in the law. The whole thing can look minor on paper. They moved your office. So what?

While they trace their history back to wars that helped to ethnically cleanse Native Americans and to their exploits in the Civil War fighting for the South, the modern-day Rangers were created to help rejuvenate a defeated and demoralized U.S. imperialism after the war in Vietnam.

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