I like to explore sounds.

I like to explore things.

I love to explore melody.

I like to explore the world.

I want to explore all genres.

It's good to explore your darkness.

As an actor, I want to explore films.

I love to explore and see new places.

I want to explore myself in every facet.

We really love to learn and explore things.

When we go to explore, we do it as a globe.

I really want to explore every genre that I can.

It is fun to explore these kick-butt characters.

I do like to explore evil characters in my books.

As an artist, I want to explore as much as I can.

In my work, I explore my own Catholic obsessions.

I love acting, but I want to explore other things.

I love to be free to explore, research, and evolve.

I think, just philosophically, we're made to explore.

It's exhilerating to be able to explore my own voice.

Whenever I have time off, I love to travel and explore.

Pop music for introverts is an idea I wanted to explore.

I am just an artiste, and I like to explore new avenues.

I've always tried to explore the humorous aspects of life.

I would rather explore the medium of films than television.

In any field, find the strangest thing and then explore it.

In life, we should explore options outside our comfort zone.

I want to believe humanity has not forgotten how to explore.

I want to explore a lot of things, do acting here and there.

I have tried to explore the little talent I have for writing.

I think it's natural for an artist to explore as they evolve.

I feel my job as an actor is to explore all sides of humanity.

I want to explore the range of emotions it is possible to feel.

I definitely want to explore all different types of characters.

I don't think there is much left that I can explore as an actor.

All these songs honestly explore the ups and downs of my reality.

I would love to explore my options in Tamil as well as Malayalam.

I want to go anywhere and everywhere and explore as much as I can.

When you explore a scene, the most important thing is who to cast.

I am very greedy as an actor. I want to explore as much as possible.

I wanted to explore the connections between different kinds of music.

I've fallen in love with Los Angeles, and I love to explore it myself.

I wanted to explore the values that are at work, underpinning my life.

Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre.

I'm just extremely excited to explore the planet that we're living on.

As a philosopher, I'm not obliged to explore every unknown wilderness.

Writing gives me the license to go, explore, and learn about the world.

I like to explore a lot of textural, arrangement aspects in the studio.

The place we want to explore unpleasantness in the real world is in art.

The juxtaposition of India and Australia is such a great one to explore.

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