I love exploring music.

I enjoy exploring music so much.

I enjoy exploring and finding myself.

Lost is just another word for exploring.

I just like climbing things and exploring.

I like exploring life and its complexities.

I'm into exploring the fringes of a culture.

That's what acting is, it's exploring conflict.

I'm just focused on exploring new opportunities.

I am in the business of exploring crazy possibilities.

Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.

I love walks, hiking, exploring and being on the beach.

Nothing is pleasanter to me than exploring in a library.

I want to keep learning, keep exploring, keep doing more.

We are not machines exploring the universe, we are people.

I'm experimental by nature... always exploring my creativity.

I was always exploring relationships between art and science.

As an actor, I'm always up for exploring and trying new things.

As an actress I really like exploring and doing new experiences.

The things that keep nagging at you are the ones worth exploring.

On energy, we should be exploring for domestic sources of energy.

The Tube is a vehicle for selling things, not for exploring ideas.

What I love is dropping into someone else's life and exploring it.

Exploring the dark side of my characters' personality is my forte.

As writers, we are exploring the mystery, the mystery of existence.

Science is about exploring the unknown and cannot offer guarantees.

Sylvia Plath wasn't scared of exploring the darker side of her psyche.

I just started exploring the guitar and seeing where it would take me.

Acting is not about being famous, it's about exploring the human soul.

I was a bit of a wild boy - always swimming and exploring the mountains.

Apart from being a trained dancer, I love exploring new styles of dancing.

In all my screenplays, I have been exploring various aspects of femininity.

Eugene O'Neil is always exploring our want to love but can't get it out there.

I've always been interested in exploring difficult subjects for the mainstream.

I love travelling and exploring different places in India and around the world.

It's always interesting exploring something that has dimensions and layers to it.

All those hours exploring the great outdoors made me more resilient and confident.

My primary interest has always been about exploring the human psyche and humanity.

Science at NASA is all about exploring the endless frontier of the Earth and space.

I started down South, that's where my heart is. But I'm open to exploring Bollywood.

Once, while exploring Seville Cathedral, I walked into a metal bar and gashed my head.

I am interested in exploring encounters where worlds meet and not where they separate.

It's amazing what you'll discover if you start exploring what God has placed within you.

I am not content at all. I am a very greedy actor, I just want to keep exploring myself.

I like going in to different styles of acting and exploring stuff I haven't done before.

I just think that fiction that isn't exploring what it means to be human today isn't art.

Exploring how you could make a bad situation worse can sometimes tell you what not to do.

I've discovered my Jewishness late in life. And I've really enjoyed exploring that world.

My theory in anything you do is to keep exploring, keep digging deeper to find new stuff.

We have large resources of uranium that we are exploring, and we are extremely encouraged.

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