I'm a world-class people watcher. I like to watch people's body movements, their expressions. It says so much about them.

I personally think that it is acceptable if I take a step forward and can act with more diverse expressions and feelings.

As a cinematographer or director, I'm always looking for projects that are able to say a lot with the actor's expressions.

The most meaningful and spiritual prayers I have experienced contained many expressions of thanks and few, if any, requests.

Jazz vision for me is seeing my art in musical term. It offers me an visual expressions in an ever-changing musical palette.

When you enjoy the moment you're in, it shows in your actions, it shows in your words, in your expressions and in your eyes.

Rocks and waters, etc., are words of God, and so are men. We all flow from one fountain Soul. All are expressions of one Love.

Every good man progressively becomes God. To become God, to be man, and to educate oneself, are expressions that are synonymous.

Why shouldn't I be confident? I'm well educated, I can deliver a line, and I have more than three expressions. That's good right?

I loved Suriya's performance in 'Vaaranam Aayiram'; his expressions in the movie, especially the train sequences, were really fresh.

I found it more challenging to act in a small scene, especially if it has no dialogue and if it is a close-up with only expressions.

The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle.

I appreciate all of your expressions of concern, and I appreciate all of your expressions of love. It has been like a fire to my heart.

Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver.

Autism does exist on a spectrum, and there are so many manifestations of it, so many kinds of expressions of it. And every case is particular.

Completing your performance with your own voice is so important. It's not only my face and expressions... the voice added to it always feels good.

I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things, to me, are expressions of love.

Make it your profitable habit to carefully study facial expressions. You can see the entire human drama in a face; you can tell its owner's history.

After 'Pitch Perfect' premiered, I've got so many sweet expressions from people who enjoyed 'Pitch Perfect' and now the episode of 'Game of Thrones.'

People think acting is just memorizing lines and doing facial expressions. No it's about traveling along a path of discovery, intention and connection.

'LOL' is one of several texting expressions that convey nuance in a system where you don't have the voice and face to do it the way you normally would.

Expressions of affection, like putting your arm around someone's shoulder, holding hands, or giving a kiss good night, involve the principle of honesty.

I am a pretty tough nut, I guess, and I love art as one of the expressions that probably appeals to my softer side that a lot of people would deny I had.

Making the visuals photo-realistic lets us do things we were never able to do before. The voice acting, the facial expressions, are all that much deeper.

You can tell a lot about a person just by watching their facial expressions. But there are times when it's best to hide your feelings, especially at work.

I don't know if English is the only language where some expressions only and solely mean the opposite of what they say but we do have an awful lot of them.

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.

We all know the future is mobile, right? And the iPhone and iPad are Perfect Expressions of Beauty, Ideal Combinations of Form and Function. Except they're Not.

The way you get to know yourself is by the expressions on other people's faces, because that's the only thing that you can see, unless you carry a mirror about.

There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender... identity is performatively constituted by the very 'expressions' that are said to be its results.

As an actor, it doesn't matter to me if I play the role of a mother, with or without make-up and so on. I focus only on getting the expressions and acting right.

Any society that starts forbidding certain words or expressions is a society you should be wary about, whether it's the KGB or social consensus that enforces it.

Comedy is a man's art form. It pretty much came from a time, post-World War II really - the 1950s are not really known for the subtle expressions of feminine life.

I think that every enduring story that has expressions over multiple periods, that role of being the keeper of the integrity of the vision is a very important role.

A contemporary artist can use the findings of all epochs and all styles, from the most primitive literary expressions up to the most refined products of the baroque.

In reality, both religion and science are expressions of man's uncertainty. Perhaps the paradox is that certainty, whether it be in science or religion, is dangerous.

Watch how you communicate with a woman. Because you're always communicating, even when you're not talking - with your body language, your facial expressions, your eyes.

Rage is a really fun place to dance from - expressions of anger sublimated into something beautiful are invigorating, especially if you feel like you're telling the truth.

One of my favorite expressions ever uttered by a player is Roy Campanella's line about how, in order to be a major-league player, you have to have a lot of little boy in you.

Obscenity is a moral concept in the verbal arsenal of the establishment, which abuses the term by applying it, not to expressions of its own morality but to those of another.

Man is unique not because he does science, and his is unique not because he does art, but because science and art equally are expressions of his marvelous plasticity of mind.

When I speak in English, my expressions become different. My attitude, too. I'm not sure why, but there really is a difference. My hands move differently when I speak English.

Donald Trump's rise is certainly a symptom of our fading virtue and faith, but ironically, he may well be our only hope for finding our way back to bolder expressions of them.

I know how to play comedy when it's needed. So even when it's really not there, my facial expressions are really great. I have a lot of facial expressions in my face, you know.

Every age has found some alternative to American values appealing. The number of Western intellectuals enamored of fascism and all the various expressions of Marxism was legion.

My relationship with Pauline is special. She knows I will always be there to hold her hand. We have the same expressions and gestures. I tell her sometimes, 'you are my mini me.'

Science began as one of the noblest expressions of man's reason. It will continue to serve humanity so long as it never forgets that human beings remain the heart of its purpose.

What is he? He's a puppeteer and he's got a lot of inspiration all around him, and the fact that they can manipulate the expressions now with ease compared to what it used to be.

I'm not, like, an English speaker, so I have confidence in my wrestling skills, also, like, body language, hand gestures, facial expressions. I put all of my emotion in my wrestling.

In silent films, quite complex plots are built around action, setting, and the actors' gestures and facial expressions, with a very few storyboards to nail down specific plot points.

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