You must have faith in God.

Discouragement is not from God.

Have faith in God. Stay focused.

I have never lost my faith in God.

I have a great faith in God and Jesus.

Next to faith in God, is faith in labor.

Man suffers through lack of faith in God.

Have faith in God but keep your powder dry.

Faith in God includes Faith in God's timing.

My faith in God is such that I am not afraid.

My faith in man is, at bottom, a faith in God.

A satyagrahi should have a living faith in God.

Faith in God is to be demonstrated, not defined.

Faith in God offers no insurance against tragedy.

Put your faith in God and confidence in yourself.

Always have faith in God, Yourself and the Cowboys.

Faith in our associates is part of our faith in God.

Faith in God - life can never take you by surprise again.

You don't have any problems, all you need is faith in God.

Scientific accuracy confirms the Bible is the Word of God.

In each of us is a seed of understanding. The seed is God.

He who has no faith in himself can never have faith in God.

Liberty is an acknowledgement of faith in God and his works.

Faith in God goes beyond intellectual presentation and logic.

It's easier to have faith in yourself if you have faith in God.

I think faith in each other is much harder than faith in God...

This is true faith, a living confidence in the goodness of God.

If Man retained faith in God, he might also retain faith in Man.

Faith in yourself and faith in God are the key to mastery of fear.

I am not going to tell you how I believe, but I do believe in God.

If you remove enjoyment of God from faith in God, it ceases to be faith.

I'd put my faith in god, but I haven't met him, and I've been hurt before.

A fellow has to have faith in God above and Rollie Fingers in the bullpen.

All intelligent faith in God has behind it a background of humble agnosticism.

Founded on faith in God, the United States has been blessed as no other nation.

Flatter not thyself in thy faith in God if thou hast not charity for thy neighbor.

Faith in God is less apt to proceed from miracles than miracles from faith in God.

As long as I have my faith in God, I'm good. I know everything else is going to come.

It's true. I can do anything and do it well because God loves me. It still humbles me.

The religion is a formality. What matters is you show respect to God and your faith in God.

I wish that I myself did have faith in God, that I had a religion, sometimes. But not always.

The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance.

I don't worry about being in a hurry anymore, because my faith in God will always deliver me on time.

[One] principle that actuated the lives of the fathers who founded our Constitution was faith in God.

We should not confuse complete faith in God with complete faith in our ability to discern God's voice.

Develop a tremendous faith in God and that will give you a humble yet soundly realistic faith in yourself.

When we demonstrate our faith in God by our obedience, He not only promises to provide for us, He will provide.

The indwelling presence and power of the Spirit are to be sought and received by faith in God's word of promise.

Faith is letting down our nets into the transparent deeps at the Divine command, not knowing what we shall draw.

I want to thank you, Lord, for life and all that's in it. Thank you for the day and for the hour, and the minute.

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