I've got a great team around me with my family, manager and label, and we've all worked hard together to make things happen.

The great thing about adventure, when told correctly, is it is one of the few genres that everybody in the family can watch together.

There's a lot of great things to see here in the United States. Those times spent together with maps and old cups from the diner you went to, those are really important as a family.

I am very proud to become a BMW Brand Ambassador. BMW is like a second family, and over the past years we not only enjoyed great times together at the track, but we have also become close friends.

We are not a typical family that goes for a movie on Sunday or has dinner together every night. But we are strong as the Great Wall of China. Nothing can stop us from supporting one another and enduring each other's pain as well.

People want to know how we do it as moms. I want to inspire moms to get back in the kitchen. I want to show moms that not only is it great to have your kids eat healthy foods as opposed to McDonald's, but it's great to bring the family back together.

The joy for me of television is the sort of family feeling of being involved with an ensemble - the cast and the crew and the director of photography and the guys in the camera truck - and you're all coming together. There's a great feeling when that is a successful unit, a successful family.

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