I got a fascination with food.

Society has a fascination with death.

I always had a fascination with twins.

I always had a fascination with music.

I have had young fascinations but never love.

Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination.

I've always had a fascination about mixing music.

Develop a childlike fascination with life and people.

Beautiful engineering always held a fascination for me.

There's a fascination frantic in a ruin that's romantic.

There is a fascination with fear. It grabs our attention.

I think there is a fascination with choral music in general.

Fascinations breeds preparedness, and preparedness, survival.

I went brunette for a film called Fascination and I loved it.

Britain's fascination with its changing language is renowned.

The fascination for me is searching the unknown for a mystery.

The fascination for the Great Train Robbery has never diminished.

Some to the fascination of a name, Surrender judgment hoodwinked.

I've had a quiet fascination with New Zealand for most of my life.

I have always had a fascination about what's inside a human being.

But it kills me, this fascination with celebrities' personal lives.

I guess when we're young, we all have that fascination with flying.

For some weird reason, people have a fascination with Laura Palmer.

Fame and secrecy are the high and low ends of the same fascination.

I'd like to put in a vote for the intrinsic fascination of science.

My family thought the fascination with acting was just another fad.

Everybody's got some fascination with undersea life, don't you think?

Cristiano is direct and forceful, and has this fascination with goals.

The Bruins have become so much more to me than some boyhood fascination.

Our fascination with gold is related to the fantasies of early childhood.

When you cook, you never stop learning. That's the fascination of it all.

An irresistible fascination with terrifying death killed me ahead of time.

I'm interested in the sheer fascination of beauty - beauty is fascinating.

As far back as I can remember, the radio held a special fascination for me.

I had this fascination with four-track recorders when I was in high school.

I don't know what to do if I am not inspiring some sort of false fascination.

My family very much adored me, and at school, I was an object of fascination.

Saints are the great teachers of the loving-kindness and fascination with God.

Nothing matches the holiness and fascination of accurate and intricate detail.

He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable.

I think my fascination is less with genre figures than with writers in general.

To me, you know, from my childhood I always had a fascination for United States.

I've always had a fascination with cars and racing, not that I've ever competed.

I always had a pretty serious fascination with fire. Luckily I'm not an arsonist!

Getting old is a fascination thing. The older you get, the older you want to get.

Personal trials are the great equalizer that continues to draw public fascination.

I have had a lifelong fascination with horror movies, scary movies, how they work.

I grew up hearing about the walking undead. I had a fascination with it as a child.

I have this fascination with space, but I also have a fascination with the Titanic.

I always had this fascination with superheroes. Who didn't love Hulk and Spider-Man?

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