Firemen have the coolest toys ever!

The sun burnt every day. It burnt time.

I actually wanted to be a fireman when I was younger.

I always wanted to be a cop or a fireman or do something dangerous.

I want to play a fireman and a spy. I want to learn special effects.

Firemen don't talk about whether a burning warehouse is worth saving.

I am always going to be the same guy. The fireman that lives in Cleveland.

The yearbook voted me most likely to be scraped off an onramp by a puking fireman.

Just tell me one boy, just one who at seven didn't aspire to be a hero or a fireman.

Like other kids wanted to become firemen or astronauts, I wanted to make people laugh.

Men have always volunteered, they just called themselves coaches, trustees, and firemen!

I was a fireman very early on in my life and a police officer, so I'm very militaristic, clean.

Remember, the firemen are rarely necessary. The public itself stopped reading of its own accord.

If I was to do anything besides acting, I would be a fireman or a beat cop. I'd do a regular job.

I decided I would go to Chicago and try my luck as a writer after those eight months as a fireman.

You know, I'm no different from a fireman. You got to run into a fire no matter how big the blaze is.

If ever you are to be visited by the Holy Ghost, you should make certain you're sitting beside a fireman.

I never met anybody in my life who says, I want to be a critic. People want to be a fireman, poet, novelist.

My dad was a New York City cop. His father was a New York City fireman. And my mother's dad was a city taxi driver.

Being a rock & roll star has become as legitimate a career option as being an astronaut or a policeman or a fireman.

I keep a pretty tight grip on my schedule and I compare it a lot to a fireman's - a four-on then four-off type of deal.

My buddies wanted to be firemen, farmers or policemen, something like that. Not me, I just wanted to steal people's money!

I loved Lil Wayne growing up; he was like the king when I was growing up. I remember 'Fireman.' That was one of my favorite songs.

When 9/11 happened, 12 of our neighborhood firemen were killed. I looked around at the country that had adopted me and I became an American.

Police officers and firemen are so visible in their daily work, there's no mistaking they're there - and that presence makes people feel secure.

Kids are always asked, What are you going to be when you grow up? I needed an answer. So instead of saying, a fireman, or a policeman, I said, a reporter.

My basic setup is my Ibanez Fireman guitars and for pedals, the TC Electronic MojoMojo is the mainstay of my board, along with a Catalinbread Calissto Chorus.

I was a fireman. I lived in the fire sta­tion for about a year. The pay wasn't so good. It was kind of like being in the army, or what I imagine that would be like.

If the house is on fire, and the fireman shows up, you don't question his color or credentials. You don't send him back to the firehouse and say, 'Send somebody else.'

I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.

I wanted to do everything. I wanted to be a pilot. I wanted to be a secret agent. I wanted to be a fireman and a doctor, all that. So I related that through movies and stuff.

The characters I've played have been mostly violent, and I'm so far from being violent or aggressive. I spend a lot of time watching 'Fireman Sam' with my three-year-old son Louis.

My father was a police officer before he retired. One of my brothers is also a police officer, and I think they kind of expected I would do something along those lines, like become a fireman or something.

I won't cook in deep fat. Years ago, I met a fireman who said most kitchen fires were caused by deep fat, and I don't think that's changed. Oven chips are good enough for my grandchildren, and they're chuffed with that.

I'm fascinated by fire. When I was four, I wore an American fireman's hat all the time, and I still have one in my office today. Glasgow used to be called 'Tinderbox City;' there were always fires, people getting killed.

I started out wanting to be a fireman and would cry if my mother tried to take off my 'Emergency 51' hat, so she had to wait until I fell asleep. Then it was on to another cap: I wanted to play first base for the Yankees.

I'm very proud of being Italian-American, but people don't realize that the mafia is just this aberration. The real community is built on the working man, the guy who's the cop, the fireman, the truck driver, the bus driver.

I think sports has done a disservice for a lot of black kids thinking they can only be successful through athletics and entertainment. I want them to know they can be doctors, lawyers, teachers, fireman, police officers, etc.

I used to want to be a pro wrestler first, a stuntman if I couldn't do that, and a fireman to fall back on. The guy who used to live across the street from me was the fire chief, so he was going to help me out if I didn't succeed at the other things.

I tend to get comfortable with the dialogue and find out who the person is in the script and try to hit that. People are sort of independent of their occupations and their pastimes. You don't play a politician or a fireman or a cowboy - you just play a person.

One of the things that I first remember wanting to be was a 'geolisty' - that was the best I could say when I was a kid. That was right after I stopped wanting to be a fireman or a truck driver. Because my dad is a paleontologist who worked with the Smithsonian, I got to see the bones up close and the exhibits behind the scenes there.

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