First things first, second things never.

One of the first things I was taught as an actor was, 'Don't judge the character.'

One of the first things I bought when I made 'Roseanne Show' money was a farm in Iowa.

When I moved back to Cumbria, one of the first things I did was locate a decent bookshop.

Get your dog spayed or neutered. That's one of the first things that you should go and do.

Funding for sports (and the arts) are often the first things facing the chop in difficult times.

My skin was really bad. Roxanne Rizzo's products were the first things that really cleared it up.

I think the first things that are relevant are that things should work well; they should function.

One of the first things I learned about acting was, the only person you compete against is yourself.

The first things I did when I got out of school in '65 was to buy a pair of Levis and pierce my ears.

One of the first things I did on arriving at school was to break my left arm falling into a bomb crater.

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.

One of the first things we found out was that the Warren Commission never pursued a conspiracy investigation.

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.

When creating an album, one of the first things you have to think about is what you want your production style to be.

When I married Wilnelia, one of the first things I wanted to know about Puerto Rico was the quality of the golf courses.

One of the first things I want do when I start writing music for a film is to create its own sound world, its own music world.

When I sat down with Under Armour, one of the first things we talked about was how this can be bigger than just shoes, bigger than just basketball.

I didn't want to be on the road for 210-220 days per year. That was one of my first things when I started having conversations with Impact Wrestling.

I know from experience that one of the first things to drop off during great transitions, such as dealing with grief or loss, is taking care of our bodies.

In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed.

I look back at history, and some of the worst governments we've ever had, you know one of the first things they ever did? They went after the trade unions.

When budget cuts happen - which has been happening a lot in this country - after-school athletics and after-school music are some of the first things to go.

One of the first things a British visitor to Southern California discovers is that he must have a car. Freeways. Bad public transport. I took driving lessons.

One of the first things I did was interview the President of the United States. Some people work their whole lives and can't interview someone of that stature.

One of the first things that the First Nations are going to have to decide is, is it going to 640 communities, or is it, in fact, going to be some 50 to 60 nations.

One of the first things I picked up when I was very, very young out of a record store was work from Peter Saville - the early things he used to do for Factory Records.

I think the first things I did, I used to try to create digital versions of Dungeons & Dragons that would help me generate a character, that would roll the dice for me.

The culture at Valve is pretty much crowdsourced. The handbook is a wiki. One of the first things we say to new hires is, 'You have to change something in the handbook.'

One of the first things I tell people is, if you want to learn about investing, you want to open an account and make real investments because that's when it becomes real.

Well, one of the first things is to restore the rule of law, to place the government back under the cage of law. Another thing is to stop falling for the myth of democracy.

When you write what you know, you stay in control. One of the first things I encourage my writing students to do is to lose control - say what they want to say, break structure.

In life, it's winning - when I go to the supermarket, and I go with a friend, I try to get through the door first. Things like that - everything in life is a competition for me.

The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion.

The first things I did was I was a writer, painter, and photographer, and we grew up very poor, so even though I could get into any college I wanted, there was no way to pay for it.

I like listening to old soul music. I like Sam Cooke. When I was growing up, the first things I was listening to was Whitney Houston and Cher. They were really big inspirations for me.

The best thing about lying in bed late is that you learn to distinguish between first things and trivia, for whatever presses on you has to prove its importance before it makes you move.

I don't fall in love easily. It's odd; one of the first things I think about when I go out with a woman is what it would be like to be married to her. And yet I have a tough time committing.

Usually, one of the first things I think about when I'm developing a character is what they're wearing. I mean, it sounds very cheesy and very actor-y, but it really does help me figure it out.

Freaks was a thing I photographed a lot. It was one of the first things I photographed, and it had a terrific kind of excitement for me. I just used to adore them. I still do adore some of them.

One of the first things people think of when they think of Native Americans is reservations. We didn't have any idea what that was. We were just young kids growing up in normal blue-collar America.

I had this desire to understand Islam better and then focus on the beauty of Arabic and Islamic cultures. And one of the first things to emerge was Arabic calligraphy, which was instantly inspiring.

The very first things that I did, even in theater, were bad guys. They are meaty roles for the most part. With the bad guy you have more freedom to experiment and go further out than with a good guy.

I was always under the impression that acting is an innate gift. One of the first things I heard them say at Koothu-P-Pattarai was that actors should realise the art of acting through their training.

Reagan was extreme. Beginning of his administration, one of the first things was to call in scabs - hadn't been done for a long time, and it's illegal in most countries - in the air controller strike.

One of the first things I ever did was 'Critical Condition.' That was before 'Full House.' It was a Richard Pryor movie. I didn't have a giant part, but I was in it throughout. I loved the heck out of it.

Most people, when they meet me, one of the first things they say is, 'Why would you voluntarily subject yourself to war? Why would you go into these places where you know there's a risk of getting killed?'

I think he was absolutely right not to go to UN last week... First things first - that is, values and people here in their local communities, and remembering all politics is local, and trusting people more.

Most of the things I do brand wise are both missionary and mercenary in their position, and that's really important to me; that's one of the first things I look at when I say, 'does it make sense to do a deal?'

Michael Jackson's one of my favorite artists of my whole life. In fact, I think he is my favorite. It's one of the first things I fell in love with before I learned about genres and before I knew what was cool to like.

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