People will look at Bowyer and Woodgate and say 'Well, there's no mud without flames'.

Pent-up white racism did fire Mr. Trump's candidacy, and he happily fanned the flames.

If you but knew the flames that burn in me which I attempt to beat down with my reason.

Like a moth to a flame we become helpless to the beautiful ghosts that true love sheds.

They say that your first love never dies. You can put out the flames, but not the fire.

The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. Do you know who lit the flame? Betty White.

Love kindled by virtue always kindles another, provided that its flame appear outwardly.

Let me leap naked through life's testing flame, And bear to lose, and yet endure to win.

Every night I get down on my knees and pray that Dennis Kucinich will burst into flames.

True zeal is an ignis lambeus, a soft and gentle flame, that will not scorch one's hand.

No one wanted to spontaneously combust into flames, especially not in traffic.’ – Sundown

You behold a range of exhausted volcanoes. Not a flame flickers on a single pallid crest.

...A fuel-less flame is nothing but a wraith, However wrought, if unsustained by passion.

To my God a heart of flame; To my fellow man a heart of love; To myself a heart of steel.

Cool the flames of your anger by performing the wudhu for only water can extinguish fire.

Not beauty, no, but virtue rais'd my fires, whose sacred flame did cherish chaste desires.

Charity and devotion differ no more, the one from the other, than the flame from the fire.

Carry a candle in the dark, be a candle in the dark, know that you're a flame in the dark.

When Death puts out our Flame, the Snuff will tell, If we were Wax, or Tallow by the smell.

...for though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine, the coal can never expire.

Even when a river of tears courses through this body, the flame of love cannot be quenched.

Love lives on hope, and dies when hope is dead; It is a flame which sinks for lack of fuel.

Happy is love or friendship when returned-- The lovers whose pure flames have equal burned.

All of us have a dormant spark of divinity in us which has to be fanned into flame by yoga.

Vengeance to God alone belongs; But, when I think of all my wrongs My blood is liquid flame!

I dissolved, so white, so unapproachable, amid my white flame, in the whiteness of moonlight

Foolishly play with the fires of rumor, only to risk being burned by its treacherous flames.

The flame of the diya, or lamp, reminds us that light will ultimately triumph over darkness.

A flame may love a snowflake, but they can never be together without each harming the other.

Take heed of a speedy professing friend; love is never lasting which flames before it burns.

Women like flames have a destroying power; never to be quenched till they themselves devour.

To burn always with this hard, gem-like flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.

One tiny flame could make so many other flames; one tiny flame could set afire a whole world.

My body is but wax and wick for flame. When the candle burns out, the light shines elsewhere.

Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created.

The smoking flax before it burst to flame Was quenched by death, and broken the bruised reed.

Persistent distrust is the flame of deceit. Be as good as your word or be singed by the heat.

Joy is a flame which association alone can keep alive, and which goes out unless communicated.

for we women are not only the deities of the household fire, but the flame of the soul itself.

Like a flame is real enough, isn't it, while it's burning?-even if there's a time it goes out?

Don't drag the engine, like an ignoramus, but bring wood and water and flame, like an engineer.

The flame of family can warm us and at the same time be a perpetual pilot light to rekindle us.

In the early part of my life I carried the flame for fiery women: perky women who were not dumb.

A soul,--a spark of the never-dying flame that separates man from all the other beings of earth.

The best way to make a steak is grilled over an open flame or pan sauteed in a cast iron skillet.

Love is indestructible, Its holy flame forever burneth; From heaven it came, to heaven returneth.

You will not see that desire begets love, until it all flames into one concise and metallic blaze.

I hear the ruin of all space, shattered glass and toppled masonry, and time one livid final flame.

Gripping my arm, Mother held it in the orange-blue flame. My skin seemed to explode from the heat.

This day's nothingness as if from spite became a flame and scorched the lips of children and poets.

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