To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you ...

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

I think swimming's hard because I can't float.

Souls are not designed to float around in thin air.

I travel on my own and try to - I float along to music.

You can't drown yourself in drink. I've tried, you float.

I don't wear dresses and flowers in my hair and float around!

I could float in the pool for hours, just letting the water carry me.

I rode on a float in one of the parades in Mississippi. It's an experience.

I like being able to just put everything out on the table and letting the cream float.

Reverie is when ideas float in our mind without reflection or regard of the understanding.

For the children it will always be a lemonade float at the Christmas table as a special treat.

I float from one project to another project, so you miss people and you don't see them for years.

My University of Management will create managers who will float in happiness, success and fulfillment.

Is there a way to design a room in my house where I float around? I would quite enjoy that. It's nuts.

Donald Trump really understood how to float a story, how to float a rumor, how to manipulate the truth.

Life is a tide; float on it. Go down with it and go up with it, but be detached. Then it is not difficult.

It's much easier for me to sleep in space than it is back home. We sleep in a cabin, and you can float inside.

I really don't consider myself a man or a woman. I just kind of float in between and that's how I've always felt.

I'd call myself the mediator. I kind of just float around and do my own thing. I'm kind of chilled out, laid back.

We sleep very well in space. We have a sleeping bag each, and when you get into it, you float in the sleeping bag.

When I was a kid and my mom made tomato soup, she would cut buttered toast into squares and float them on top of each bowl.

To be able to float and move around and, pretty much effortlessly, do whatever you want with your body in space is pretty amazing.

Spiritual people don't float around all day on clouds of glory; they live in the real world and deal with real issues in real ways.

Often undecided whether to desert a sinking ship for one that might not float, he would make up his mind to sit on the wharf for a day.

It's easy to sleep floating around - it's very comfortable. But you have to be careful that you don't float into somebody or something!

Sometimes opportunities float right past your nose. Work hard, apply yourself, and be ready. When an opportunity comes you can grab it.

Before I write a novel, images float around in my head that work like icons - they are meaningless in themselves, but serve as reminders.

Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue.

Dignity does not float down from heaven it cannot be purchased nor manufactured. It is a reward reserved for those who labor with diligence.

To recover from workouts I typically drink a 20-gram protein shake, float in the pool for 15 minutes, then do a hot-and-cold tub contrast soak.

As a singer, I float around. I'm kind of scatty, bouncing around a lot. I try to adapt to what's going on around me in the song and the arrangement.

My mother praised me when I did something good, and then the next moment, she would say, 'Don't float.' She put me in a balloon and then pricked it.

Tortoises can survive for weeks without food or water, easily long enough to float in the Humboldt Current from South America to the Galapagos Islands.

Yes, some banks will only float good companies. But others could not give two hoots if you have a business, a business plan or any business experience.

After writing a page, Hemingway would let it float to the ground. He never crumpled pages - he believed that if you crumpled them, you'd be insane in a year.

Anytime I float by a window, I can tell whether the outside is lit or if it's dark outside. When we're working it's just day for us with the lights on inside.

When I am writing fiction, I believe I am much better organized, more methodical - one has to be when writing a novel. Writing poetry is a state of free float.

Think about technological float: it took centuries for the wheel to gain universal acceptance. Now any microchip device can be in use around the world in weeks.

'Float On' was a fine song, but I was still writing the lyrics on the last day we were working on it and deciding if it was something we wanted to put on the record.

Without a doubt, at the end of the day, Neom will be floated in the markets. The first zone floated in the public markets. It's as if you float the city of New York.

I used to watch old clips of Muhammad Ali, where he'd be talking the jive during interviews, you know, 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, rumble, man, rumble.'

You kind of just float inside of your sleeping bag and you attach your sleeping bag to the wall. Then our arms kind of float up. So, we look a little bit like zombies.

There are intangible realities which float near us, formless and without words; realities which no one has thought out, and which are excluded for lack of interpreters.

I'm lucky because I have so many clashing cultural, racial things going on: black, Jewish, Irish, Portuguese, Cherokee. I can float and be part of any community I want.

People choose to struggle when people don't want to relax. Sometimes it is not on your side. Relax; calm down. No matter how hard the waves are, you will float on the ocean.

When people think of someone being prolific, it's like, 'He's got a vault with 5,000 songs in it,' or something, but I just kind of pick them out of the air when they float by.

One thing to say about doing maintenance in space - it is difficult because the parts and pieces float away. You end up using a lot of tape and Velcro to make sure things stay put.

If I had a super power, I'd want to be able to fly just so I could float around my apartment. Or I'd really like telekinesis because then you'd be able to slam the door on somebody.

Sometimes I miss being en pointe, but not a whole lot. Every once and a while, I would love to float for a minute on a shoe. But for the most part, I did it long enough that it's OK.

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