I had flops, I had success.

Hits and flops are overrated.

I feel bad when my film flops.

I am a human, and I fear flops.

I always had a fair share of hits and flops.

I've been part of the biggest hits and flops.

You learn more from the flops than from the hits.

Hits and flops will always be there for any actor.

I always say that you should remake flops, not hits.

Hits and flops are part and parcel of movie business.

Even the biggest flops have been liked by a few select people.

I'll match my flops with anybody's but I wouldn't have missed 'em.

I am probably the best example of an actor who has built his career on flops.

I love my flops. Look at my life: my failure that broke my heart made me stronger.

Your film is a hit, you bathe in champagne; it flops, a single malt lessens the pain.

I have had my share of flops and it's very discouraging. It's pathetic to be on that side.

Flops are a part of life's menu and I've never been a girl to miss out on any of the courses.

When I started my career, I gave four flops, and then four hits, two flops, two hits, and then three flops.

The viewers have the brains to decide the merits of a film and there is no point in blaming them if it flops.

I'm a Top 40 record guy. I remember the hits and don't remember the flops. Something in my brain blocks them out.

There is no doubt that I feel bad when a film flops, but I can't sit back and not take up new work owing to that.

I am just your everyday, average girl. I live by the beach. I wear flip flops. I don't wear make-up. I go to the gym.

Hits and flops happen in everyone's careers. Be it an actor or a filmmaker, you can't let that affect your conviction.

I prefer to remake flops. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was a remake of a flop, and The Quiet American is a remake of a flop.

Feel shots. Flops. Bump-and-runs. Those types of things are usually what go first for me when I haven't practiced much.

I'm super, super casual. I like boxer shorts or jeans or tank tops, tennis shoes and flip flops. That's about it for me.

Even if it flops, when you're sitting at the drawing table, you dream about seeing your work on the big screen, no matter what.

I usually like to throw on some flip flops and go to a really nice lunch in Venice, or Santa Monica, or stay in and cook dinner.

Rodgers & Hart had a few flops before they clicked. You know, it happens. I don't know anyone who always gets away with everything.

This whole game of hit and flops will always be there and I have survived because I am hit. I think industry works on hit and flop.

If everybody had 100% record of hits and flops, there would have been no surprises. There's not one director with 100% success rate.

I played in a punk rock band in high school called the High Heel Flip Flops. I was the drummer. I played drums for, like, four years.

I've been told I've done a lot of flop movies. And I think, 'Wow, I've never considered them flops!' I've loved every character I played.

So if radio flops, and MTV flops and everything flops, it doesn't matter, as long as we're still playing and kids are coming to our shows.

Hits and flops will come and go. But what stays with you is the experience you had while shooting a film. I am happy learning something new each time.

More than the hits, flops will have an impact on my career. In fact, flops helped me shape my career. They made me look at things from a different angle.

Whether you like it or not, a performance's triumphs and belly flops come to seem excruciatingly intimate, as if you were somehow partly responsible for them.

I think I have stopped being nervous about the outcome of a film. The five consecutive flops in 1997 and the five consecutive hits in 1999 have mellowed me in many ways.

When people say they take hits and flops in their stride, I personally feel that they are just lying. Of course, I'm upset when my movies flop. I take it very personally.

I'll mix a lot of things. I'll wear a Temperley dress with flip flops, or I might be in head-to-toe Gucci and have on a ring that I got from a gumball machine for 50 cents.

Even after nine flops, an actor will get his tenth film. But, if a director gives a flop after nine hits, he will not get another film. That is the way the industry functions.

I won't play any blame games for my films that didn't work. But I've been working towards getting good roles. Even Abhishek Bachchan became a superstar after delivering 17 flops.

We often come across certain directors who mention some of their own flops as their favourites. They will blame the viewers for not realising its merits. I think that is plain hypocrisy.

Personal questions, or accusations about delivering flops or not doing good films end up being accusatory sessions where I have to defend myself. That's why I prefer not to do interviews.

I've been barefoot most of my life: either flip flops or barefoot on the pool deck. Although you'd think that would make me a good candidate for barefoot running, that doesn't work with me.

The director does not have anyone to blame but himself. He or she cannot hide behind anybody. If a film is a hit, everyone gets the credit, but if it flops, only the director can be blamed.

Moving back to New York is perhaps what I'm most excited about. Alternate side of the road parking. Flip flops on the subway. And any food I want, delivered. Sometimes more than once a day.

Flops are always disappointing, but 'High Fidelity' was devastating. Not that I thought it was going to make me a big star, but I did think it was going to run longer than a week and a half.

The songwriters whom we think of being the greatest songwriters usually write one hit and six or seven flops. That includes the Irving Berlins and the Hoagy Carmichaels, the Harold Arlens, Cole Porter.

With the amount of flops that I have seen in my career, one would think that my career would have been over long back. But it has sustained. And I truly believe it did because I lived life on my own terms.

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