Taxes are nice in Florida.

I grew up in Miami, Florida.

Florida, bro. It's different.

Florida is a very healing place.

I love, love, love South Florida.

I was born in Homestead, Florida.

I lived in Florida until I was 22.

We are for freedom here in Florida.

God bless the Florida Supreme Court.

I am a Florida guy. I don't do cold.

We ought to be bragging about Florida!

I listen to most South Florida rappers.

Florida is a great place to set a novel.

I will never be done with South Florida.

Florida doesn't need an immigration law.

My job is to enforce the laws of Florida.

We are not exposed to ice much in Florida.

I couldn't adjust to the racism in Florida.

Florida is a great microcosm of the country.

I've been going to Florida since I was a baby.

I grew up in a retirement community in Florida.

I feel great about the boxing in South Florida.

Florida is nice, but Texas is my favorite state.

Even though I moved to Florida, I'm still Polish.

I just moved to Florida to seek out opportunities.

My mom is from Texas, but I was raised in Florida.

Quite a few movies are starting to film in Florida.

The state of Florida is an attractive place to live.

I am from Florida, so I didn't 'grow up' on Wu-Tang.

It's not a right to play at Florida. It's a privilege.

My excuse for everything is that I grew up in Florida.

I want everybody in Florida to live the American dream.

I'm from Florida and we have huge primary contests there.

I'm not going sell out on the people of state of Florida.

Florida was invented for Addison Mizner's little brother.

I turned my home state of Florida into the Land of Xanth.

Florida has been, and will continue to be, a swing state.

Through wrestling, my second home was Fort Myers, Florida.

I think, gosh, I'm just some kid from Tallahassee, Florida.

I love the University of Florida and never wanted to leave.

I grew up in Boca Raton, Florida - the worst place on earth.

Florida feels we owe a great debt to our neighboring states.

Florida's my home, and I've grown up in Florida for so long.

I'm blessed to represent Florida in the United States Senate.

I showed people Republicans in Florida can do more than talk.

I swear, all we ever wanted to do was tour outside of Florida.

I grew up in a very small town in Florida, like, 7,000 people.

August in Florida is God's way of reminding us who's in charge.

It's Florida. Hair is just an extra sweater I'm forced to wear.

We ran into some bumps in the road at the University of Florida.

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