I'm just a football player.

A Redskin is a football player.

My dad's an old football player.

My dream was to be a football player.

As a football player, we love tattoos.

I'm not a football player 24 hours a day.

I'm a football player playing basketball.

You have to be smart as a football player.

I've been the luckiest football player ever.

Kiko Alonso is a tremendous football player.

A football player at any level must set goals.

My father was an all-American football player.

I was a football player and competitor in life.

I fell like I'm a well-rounded football player.

Every football player knows when his time is up.

I was born a football player and I love this game.

If you're a football player, you can play anywhere.

I've always prided myself on being a football player.

As a football player, I don't play for the individual.

I don't judge my success in life as a football player.

I'm a football player, you know? My film talks for me.

I'm not a star. I am a football player, a team player.

As a football player, you would like to play each match.

I think I'm a model in a football player body sometimes.

I was not a very good football player when I started out.

Your job is never secure as a football player - or coach.

I believe that, deep down at heart, I'm a football player.

You never get to see the intimate side of a football player.

I'm in the public eye. I'm a celebrity and a football player.

I think every child in my town wants to be a football player.

The pitch is the most important material for a football player.

I am not a movie star or a football player, I just do my thing.

I was a very good baseball player and football player as a kid.

Having the ball makes you a football player, not running after it.

People told me I was more of a soccer player, not a football player.

If I got a football scholarship, I was going to be a football player.

I play for pleasure, for the passion that I have as a football player.

The only thing I ever wanted to be was a professional football player.

I may be a successful football player, but I feel like such a failure.

I'm definitely not a football player, but I can play one for a season.

I love being a running back. But I really love being a football player.

I see myself not only as a football player, but an entertainer and icon.

I learned how to be a smart, tough, fundamentally sound football player.

I was a competitor as a football player and I'm a competitor as a coach.

I look more like a professional golfer than I do an NFL football player.

How can I be a great football player when you're not happy with yourself?

Thankfully I'm a better actor than football player, or at least I hope so.

I am smarter because I stayed in school, and I am a better football player.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a football player. So I achieved my dream.

I might not be a great athlete, but I think I'm a real good football player.

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