Hey, over the years you learn to forget things.

Nobody will ever forget what I've accomplished.

Forget that I remember And dream that I forget.

Forget your opponents; always play against par.

We often forget that growth requires sacrifice.

Your husband is the boss - and don't forget it.

He who forgets the past is doomed to repeat it.

Forget trying to be sexy. That's just gruesome.

To be happy, you must learn to forget yourself.

Sometimes I forget about taking care of myself.

Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.

I live a real life so I forget to take pictures.

One of life's minor satisfactions is forgetting.

Sometimes we forget that sin really is optional.

I had support - I had started it, not to forget.

If you forget yourself, you become the universe.

Don't forget our vets. They have been forgotten.

Let’s forget about time And dance our lives away

Forget all you know & learn something every day.

Psychoanalysts and elephants, they never forget.

When you drink water, don't forget the fountain.

Naturally, the human being wants to forget pain.

Think about me lightly, think of me, and forget.

In this bright future you can't forget your past.

When I forget my sovereign, may my God forget me.

The very effort to forget teaches us to remember.

Live to learn . . . forget . . . and learn again.

You cannot cure sclerosis, but you can forget it.

If it makes you feel better, I promise to forget.

Don't forget who you are and where you come from.

O teach me how I should forget to think (1.1.224)

I love you. Never forget that. Never forget...me.

Don't forget, you are the hero of your own story.

Do not forget duty. But choose love when you can.

It is better to forget about yourself altogether.

If you want something done right, just forget it.

Listen to everything, forget much, correct little.

To lose one’s name is the beginning of forgetting.

Men live by forgetting and woman live on memories.

Umbrellas are so small and sad and easy to forget.

It is sometimes expedient to forget what you know.

You do more for yourself when you forget yourself.

We pardon infidelities, but we do not forget them.

Forget hydrogen, forget hydrogen, forget hydrogen.

It's incredible how much cinema can do. We forget.

Forget those things that aren't worth remembering.

It's easy to forget things you don't need anymore.

Friends always forget those whom fortune forsakes.

One never forgets faces one wholeheartedly detests.

You live and learn. Then you die and forget it all.

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