Forget, forgive; conclude, and be agreed.

I may forget my dignity, but you may not.

Never, ever forget that you are a servant.

When I’m behind a camera I forget I exist.

Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget.

The one they always forget is Brad Dexter.

Women do not forget. Women do not forgive.

To forgive is wisdom, to forget is genius.

One cannot remember mother and forget God.

When did America forget that it's America?

Control me...release me...forget about me.

Life cannot go on without much forgetting.

In Lake Wobegon, we don't forget mistakes.

They would grow old. They would forget me.

The old will die and the young will forget.

...forgiving is not the same as forgetting.

People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven.

But men are men; the best sometimes forget.

Can you really forgive if you can't forget?

Loneliness remembers what happiness forgets

One can forgive but one should never forget.

Don't play hard to get, play hard to forget.

Forgetting is the cost of living cheerfully.

People change and forget to tell each other.

tht's why u mst never forget ma sister jodie

Never forget that I am paid for my troubles!

I never forget that I'm extremely fortunate.

Don't forget to support your public library.

Forget the haters! They just want the crown!

He who forgets will be destined to remember.

Forget favors given; remember those received.

A nation that forgets its past has no future.

Forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable.

When you're shopping you forget about eating!

Forgetting is a very good survival mechanism.

People quickly forget that people are people.

It is not enough to forgive; one must forget.

Isn't elegance forgetting what one is wearing?

Forgiving is all; forgetting is another thing.

I'm about to make people forget about Madonna.

We forget that the soul has its own ancestors.

I'd sit on a horse and forget I was even sick.

You can just never forget where you came from.

Christian growth is forgetting about yourself.

I'm a conundrum. Or an enigma. I forget which.

The best remedy for an injury is to forget it.

When you forget to eat, you know you're alive.

Don't forget to do something for other people.

Forget the audience, make what you want to see

He who tries to forget a woman, never loved her

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