Keep on rockin' in the free world.

The United States is the leader of the free world.

It is not empty rhetoric to talk of the Free World.

We live in a free world, so everyone can say whatever.

Who wouldn't want to play the leader of the free world?

The free world must not prove itself worthy of its own past.

We will rebuild, renew and remain the capital of the free world.

I escaped one time. In 1971 I was in the free world for six weeks.

I am an artiste in a free world, I am supposed to raise questions.

Whether you empower one person or the free world, that is leadership.

The United Nations is our one great hope for a peaceful and free world.

I have busted more hippies' noses than all the narcs in the free world.

Under Mr. Trump's leadership, America continues to lead the free world.

Israel is part of the free world led by the United States, no matter what.

Great Britain has long been one of our strongest friends in the free world.

In a free world there is, alas, more common crime than in a dictatorial system.

It is a free world. It is a dynamic of our new day and age: technology is everywhere.

The free world led by the U.S. fought almost all regimes that trampled on human rights.

Radical Islamist terror is a crime against the entire free world, including against Israel.

A woman as the leader of the Free World is an impossibility. Muslim countries won't talk to you.

The person who serves as president of the United States is the de facto leader of the free world.

Deficits. Most people of knowledge say it's the biggest single problem facing the economic free world.

Only legislative, judicial, and executive action can completely guarantee the victory of the free world.

The fight against terrorism is an international struggle of the free world against the forces of darkness.

Israel is the vanguard of the free world against the Islamic terrorism of ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran.

Even some of the most jaded D.C. types are still impressed when the leader of the free world enters the room.

It didn't take long to recognise the shortcomings of the Soviet regime and to see the values of the free world.

People who live in North Korea, they die for food, but living in the free world, the cat even eats expensive sushi.

You cannot be the leader of the free world and sit on the sidelines and tweet and think you're going to get the job done.

In the free world, your days pass very quickly because you have so many things to do, and you're in control of your life.

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

If people really don't want ads, they can go find their information however it is they want. It's a free world on that matter.

The wise Jewish Israeli must work with the moderate Muslim and the Christian leader of the free world against the crazy Muslims.

The United States did not earn its reputation as leader of the free world by standing back and allowing darker forces to prevail.

Emmy Lou Harris introduced me to the work of the Vietnam Veterans of America foundation and the Campaign for a Land Mine Free World.

I have to say that you don't really know stress until you know that the path of the free world is resting a little bit on your shoulders.

If you're looking for the safe choice, you shouldn't be supporting a black guy named Barack Obama to be the next leader of the free world.

Anyone who wants to see a very free world does not want government. I also don't like being extorted or being aggressed against by others.

The message of the free world to any potential Palestinian leadership should be a simple one: Embrace democratic reform and we will embrace you.

To compare the United States of America - the beacon of the free world - to the brutal North Korean dictatorship is as insulting as it is asinine.

On the other hand, if the free world is concerned with how a new Palestinian leader governs, then the peace process will have a real chance to succeed.

I want Israel to be a normal state, part of the international community, part of the free world, but unique in terms of the Jewish people. I want both.

Nothing is more false than the notion that the triumph of Communism is inevitable or that the Communists are steadily pushing the free world into a corner.

I can almost see what Gabriel meant when he asked, 'What has the free world got that you can’t get here?' Almost. Freedom, Gabriel. That’s what you can’t get here.

I believe that we as the leader of the Free World must provide important leadership on the ethical parameters, the ethical constraints that this research requires.

I like George W. At a time when this country was hit hard, he stood up for America. He's been the leader of the free world during the hardest time America's ever had.

The President of the United State is the leader of the free world, and the world has to be able to rely on his or her word, to feel that they have a good moral compass.

We can only imagine the history of the free world today if, at the end of the Civil War, there had been two countries: the United States and the Confederate States of America.

I believe our country has to do whatever we can do to protect ourselves-we're king of the hill. We need to protect democracy and the lives of those who live in the free world.

There are many people in the world who really don't understand-or say they don't-what is the great issue between the free world and the Communist world. Let them come to Berlin!

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