The past is always tense, the future perfect.

Within the child lies the fate of the future.

I would rather die standing than live kneeling

The future is not a gift-it is an achievement.

Every thought we think is creating our future.

Control your own destiny or someone else will.

The future will either be green or not at all.

Never make forecasts, especially about future.

Let us be such as help the life of the future.

A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future.

We think of our future as anticipated memories.

I have been over into the future, and it works.

Biology has at least 50 more interesting years.

The future is as bright as the promises of God.

Sustainability is here to stay or we may not be

The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

Trying to predict the future is a loser's game.

The future never just happened. It was created.

Study the past, if you would divine the future.

She'll prophesy your death. She won't say when.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

When all else is lost, the future still remains.

My dreams are my dress rehearsals for my future.

For the future, the motto is, "No days unalert."

To build up a future, you have to know the past.

Public education is an investment in our future.

Live well, learn plenty, laugh often, love much.

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

Tomorrow is only found in the calendar of fools.

I live in the present with an eye on the future.

Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.

Born a wildlife warrior, die a wildlife warrior.

Treat the Earth as though we intend to stay here

In this bright future you can't forget your past.

It is the business of the future to be dangerous.

You can't let your past hold your future hostage.

The future is no more uncertain than the present.

It is a great deed to leave nothing for tomorrow.

Do not let the future be held hostage by the past

The future is much like the present, only longer.

The future is an infinite succession of presents.

Who heeds not the future will find sorrow at hand

They gave each other a smile with a future in it.

To try to fix the future is a manifest absurdity.

The planets are lining up, bringing brighter days.

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.

It is difficult to predict, especially the future.

When I am dead let the earth be dissolved in fire.

A wise God shrouds the future in obscure darkness.

Depression is the inability to construct a future.

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