Gazing on beautiful things acts on my soul.

Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.

While gazing at myself from yourself, I was beautiful.

I am one who eats breakfast gazing at morning glories.

In this world we walk on the roof of hell gazing at flowers

I lost my hat while gazing at the moon, and then I lost my mind.

I sit at my window gazing The world passes by, nods to me And is gone.

We use books like mirrors, gazing into them only to discover ourselves.

Then he smiles as if he'd be happy to lie there and gaze at me forever.

Like Patience gazing on kings' graves, and smiling Extremity out of act.

A glance at Christ will save, but it is the gazing at Christ that sanctifies.

I want to stay in the habit of 'glancing' at my problems and 'gazing' at my Lord.

A man gazing on the stars is proverbially at the mercy of the puddles in the road.

True friends... face in the same direction, toward common projects, interests, goals.

All great and beautiful work has come of first gazing without shrinking into the darkness.

I was a real daydreamer at school, gazing out of the window and losing myself in imaginary worlds.

Listen, open a window to God and begin to delight yourself by gazing upon Him through the opening.

Many men spend their lives in gazing at their own shadows, and so dwindle away into shadows thereof.

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

All around the world, we are gazing skyward waiting for God… Never realizing that God is waiting for us.

Wandering and confused, lost to myself, ill-assorted, contradictory, Pausing, gazing, bending, and stopping

I try not to be super self-referential about my work because it becomes like navel gazing at a certain point.

The gazing populace receive greedily, without examination, whatever soothes superstition and promotes wonder.

I sit in my garden, gazing upon a beauty that cannot gaze upon itself. And I find sufficient purpose for my day.

Gazing at the rain, I consider what it means to belong, to become part of something. To have someone cry for me.

[He stared into the camera] like some sort of an animal gazing from across the back of its sty. (On Winston Churchill)

Watching a Kubrick film is like gazing up at a mountaintop. You look up and wonder, how could anyone have climbed that high?

Our disrespect for thinking: someone sitting in a chair, gazing out of a window blankly, always described as 'doing nothing'.

Im like the painter with his nose to the canvas, fussing over details. Gazing from a distance, the reader sees the big picture.

I'm like the painter with his nose to the canvas, fussing over details. Gazing from a distance, the reader sees the big picture.

If the people in the audience are talking, you're being ignored. If the people are gazing at you, you've got something they want to hear.

Strange, to see what delight we married people have to see these poor fools decoyed into our condition, every man and wife gazing and smiling at them.

The angles even Draw strength from gazing on its glance, Though none its meaning fathom may; The world's unwither'd countenance Is bright as at creation's day.

In every decade rock and roll starts to get very serious and navel gazing and kind of self serious and every once and a while it kind of needs a kick in the pants.

A bunch of liberals wanted to outlaw men gazing at women because the gaze was said to objectify women. Sorry, liberals, it can't be helped among the heterosexual crowd.

How do you know, Dan? You were so young when they died. Do you really remember them?" "Not in my mind," Dan replied, gazing at the passing scenery. "But everyplace else.

If we spend all our time gazing at the wonders ahead without remembering where we're standing right now, we're going to trip and fall flat on our face, over and over again.

When I first drove my car down Sunset Strip, I nearly crashed my car gazing at the monolithic ads of various celebrities. They are bigger than King Kong, and more frightening.

She knew she shouldn't want him with every fiber of her being, but she couldn't help herself. Gazing at him feeling his touch - the rest of the world faded into the background

Oh! How should all hearts be taken with this Christ? Why stand ye gazing on the toys of this world, when such a Christ is offered to you in the Gospel? Can the world die for you?

Instead of looking for love, give it; constantly renew it in yourself and you will always feel its presence within you. It will always be there smiling at you, gazing on you kindly.

I took my fear to literal heights and went skydiving over a year ago. It was in that moment, gazing over the precipice of the plane, when I realized what scared me the most, the unknown.

A dramatist is one who from his earliest years has found that sheer gazing at the shocks and counter-shocks among people is quite sufficiently engrossing without having to encase it in comment.

As historians, we spend days in archives, gazing at account books. We train would-be historians in the arts of deciphering letters and documents, early Latin, scribal handwriting, medieval French.

As I turned away, I saw Holmes, with his back against a rock and his arms folded, gazing down at the rush of the waters. It was the last that I was ever destined to see of him in this world. - Watson.

People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.

Only when you're in that ditch, lying there in the muddy runoff you've made of your life, gazing up at the peak you fell from, do you truly know how small you are and understand how tall you used to be.

She perched on her windowsill, gazing at the lurid sun soaking into the Caldera, trying to appreciate it even though she couldn’t have it. Why did she always feel she had to do something in the face of beauty?

He was gazing at her, the way one did when one felt one was unobserved. He had that look on his face, the look he usually got only when he was playing the violin, as if he were completely caught up and entranced.

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