All love is really God's love.

There's no limit to God's love.

The Bible is God's love letter to us

Temples are an expression of God's love

The only ground of God's love is his love.

God's love is unbounded. It has no limits.

All fear is but the notion that God's love ends.

Your trial is temporary, but God’s Love is permanent.

The power of faith to ease our suffering is God's love.

God's love doesn't leave out Jews or Muslims or anyone.

God's love is unconditional. Be sure that yours is too!

War lives on despotism and is not waged with God's love.

Prayer enters the pool of God's love and widens outward.

God's LOVE is Like an Ocean; You can See its Beginning, but not its end.

God’s love supersedes all religions and it is the core of all religions.

You may not be able to measure God's love, but you can certainly experience it.

The greatest sense of love, which is available for us at all times, is God's love.

God’s love for the biggest sinner is greater than the love of the holiest man for God

We don't earn God's love; we receive it. We don't work for His approval; He approves us.

As I radiate love and goodwill to others, I will open the channel for God's love to come to me.

God's love in John 3:16 is not amazing because the world is so big, but because the world is so bad.

There are so many things we do not appreciate in our life until we recognize God's love for us in them.

God's love for me is perfect because it's based on Him not on me. So even when I failed He kept loving me.

Consider God's love for you. Now double it. Now multiply that by 900 trillion. You're still not even close.

God's love does not love that which is worthy of being loved, but it creates that which is worthy of being loved.

God's love for us is not the reason for which we should love him. God's love for us is the reason for us to love ourselves.

To God each one of us is His favorite. God's love comes to all, but it comes to all as each, not to all as some anonymous aggregate.

My hope is that the description of God's love in my life will give you the freedom and the courage to discover... God's love in yours.

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