Good eyebrows give your face definition.

Nobody sounds good writing about your divorce, let's face it.

Anyone can look good if you have 500-flash bulbs exploding in your face.

People in Texas wear cowboy hats; they're good at keeping the sun off your neck and face.

Having a good brow can totally brighten your face and give you more of an expressive, youthful look!

When I'm doing my makeup, my favorite feature to enhance is the brows. They frame your face - good eyebrows are so important.

People say what they think online because it's not to your face. That's a good thing. You don't really want people just being nice to you with their opinions.

In L.A., you have to drive; in New York, you can do it on foot. The variety, the potential, of people is in your face. Like any good creator, you want to steal everything.

Some venues are better run than others. Sometimes it's just maddening to deal with full dinners being served in front of your face. You can have a good or bad show anywhere.

Microcurrent devices are actually really good because they stimulate the muscles, but I'm not a big fan of injectables. You don't know what they'll do to your face in the long run.

If I don't like what I'm wearing, you can see it on my face in any picture right away. It makes a big difference when you feel like you're wearing your style, and it's something that you picked out, or you feel really good in it.

It's not just about the words you use, but the way you use them, and the message that puts over. Also your face too and the way you project your message. If you're telling the group to stay calm, be good, and you have beads of sweat dripping down your forehead, you're in trouble.

To clean your face thoroughly, even do a scrub, and let it sit and make sure your pores are clean before you go to club. If it sits on your face overnight, dirt just builds up. Even just laying there the whole night, stuff gets on your face, so anything else there is just really not good.

I actually run a non-profit where one of the main objectives is to branch out and get a new audience for the theater. Just because the writing is so good and nothing is more effective than seeing something live and happening right in front of your face, so I definitely want to continue to pursue that.

I really like the Glycolic Cleansing Pads because they're super easy. Sometimes it's annoying to scrub your face with your hands, but these are just little pads, so I like that. I also really like the Kale Fix Moisturizer and Dragon's Blood Fix Serum. The Dragon's Blood is good for priming before your makeup.

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