When you are overweight, you just don't feel good about yourself.

If you feel good about yourself, there's nothing wrong with showing your stuff.

Cricket is 90-95 per cent mental. To score runs, you've got to feel good about yourself.

Do what makes you feel good. Remind yourself of what you're good at and make sure you do that.

You shouldn't be greedy. You should feel good about yourself and not be greedy of what other people have.

It's OK to feel good about yourself because it's not doing any good for anybody else to be fearful or spread anxiety.

I don't think there's anybody in this world who should be required to make you feel good about yourself. Be happy on your own.

When you take care of yourself, you're a better person for others. When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better.

You should feel good about yourself because of your accomplishments. Not because somebody yelled at you to feel good about yourself.

I've learned that no matter what shape you get your body into, if you don't get your head right, you're not going to feel good about yourself.

I think you can feel good about yourself at any size and any shape. Nobody should be made to feel inferior because they have a certain body type.

I think there's so much emphasis on body image and results and outcome, but really what you should be after is to be healthy and to feel good about yourself.

Get your body as ready as you can when you are looking for swimsuits to feel good about yourself because it's so awful looking and shopping for bathing suits.

I've been doing makeovers on TV for years and years and years. It's something I really know how to do. I also know personally what it's like to not feel good about yourself.

I've never cheated or been cheated upon. I've seen my parents together and secure. So I feel the same way. Infidelity stems from low self-esteem. You want to cheat when you don't feel good about yourself.

At my worst, I was a size 22, and at that size, you can't go down the high street and buy yourself things that make you feel good. Your shopping options are limited in a way they aren't when you are a size 12.

Don't eat the pizza; get lots of sleep - you have to take care of yourself. It's about being your tip top self at all times, and if you are unhealthy, or you're sick, or you don't feel good, even it's just because you're sluggish, you're not going to make it because you're not going to be able to react to things.

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