I wish I was fitter.

I'm absolutely obsessed with boxing.

I was never interested in how I look.

I dislike hatred, offence, unkindness.

I haven't the energy to despise anyone.

I'd love to be a joiner or a wood turner.

Don't climb into a fridge. That's my advice.

Like most women, my weight goes up and down.

I will try anything that doesn't involve a leotard.

Food is an international language, an expression of love.

It was actually having a son made me think about feminism.

I'm quite a shy person, and I dislike narcissism intensely.

Oh my God, don't ever start a political party. It's exhausting.

My life won't have full quality until we achieve equality for all.

I've always liked being able to go around incognito in Copenhagen.

Women are not allowed to be polymaths; we're only allowed to do single maths.

'The News Quiz' is one of the things I am proudest of in my professional life.

Social media, to me, has got out of hand. Why can't we all be nice to each other?

I'd love to retire in terms of not having to go to work anymore and earn a living.

For three months, when I was 23 years old, I worked as a clerk at Wandsworth Sewer.

You have to stand for the things that you believe in. You have to stay strong inside.

My dad died of a massive heart attack when he was 59, as he didn't look after himself.

I always wanted to open a delicatessen in Jerusalem and call it 'Cheeses of Nazareth'.

I've played the Royal Albert Hall to 8,500 people, and there wasn't a nerve in my body.

I had tried every diet out there - I would lose weight for a bit, then put it back on again.

I certainly wouldn't want to be a Mini Me of any of the people whose footsteps I've followed in.

I am 5 ft. tall myself, and it is rare that I meet someone new who doesn't comment on my height.

Mostly, I'm totally happy in my own space at home with the door closed with my family and friends.

When people say, 'There aren't enough women on panel shows,' the answer is to make the host a woman.

I like frogs. I am not crazy about their legs in a buffet, but I like their casual approach to life.

My wife and I drove across America following the Oregon Trail, which the pioneers once passed along.

The problem with money issued by any government is that its only value is what those in charge decree.

I am keen on a spiritual life and have struggled to find a place for my heart in a religious community.

A lot of what we think of as history is actually just a version of events which may or may not be true.

I'm slightly obsessed with women's history, so I'd love to talk to Emily Dickinson or Louisa May Alcott.

I cannot lie on the beach or by a swimming pool. I think I'm too Nordic to like a lot of relentless sun.

When I came out in September 1994, I was, as far as I know, the only out lesbian in British public life.

I don't think secrets are a good thing. I think they are a cancer of the soul. So I decided to come out.

'QI' is exactly what the best TV ought to be - you learn something, but you are also crying with laughter.

When we laugh out loud and we realize that there are others who think the same as us, then we feel better.

You can go anywhere in the world, and people's faces light up when they put delicious food in their mouths.

Is raising boys different from raising girls? Oh my goodness, yes! It's a different species, and I love them for that.

I think communication should be fun and that we should all worry less about how we say things and more about what we say.

Sitting on a plastic chair at night listening to the sea lapping below while sipping a cold beer is about as good as life gets.

I decided that instead of making jokes about politics, I need to take part in it, and therefore, I can't make jokes and participate.

I get in a temper with inanimate objects. I can't bear plastic. I do get in a complete rage with something that's been shrink-wrapped.

I have a son and two daughters, and I care equally about all three of them, and I want the world to be a better place for all of them.

Language is ever on the move, and most days, I check out the 'Urban Dictionary' where anyone can invent a new and useful word or phrase.

I am passionate about higher education and am hugely impressed by Portsmouth's mission to encourage students from every walk of life to excel.

I always wanted to get married. I was very drawn to the idea of a partner with whom you went through life, a mate who was always in your corner.

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