A good film is a good film.

It takes two years to make a good film.

I think making a good film shot is joyful.

I will not hesitate to take up good film offers.

A good film to me is like lightning in a bottle.

When you do a good film, it will remain forever.

I don't want to be a bad performer in a good film.

I'm hoping one day I can make one really good film.

There is nothing wrong in playing parts in a good film.

You know you are in a good film when it affects the audience.

To me, a good film is one that can keep me engaged for two hours.

A good film script should be able to do completely without dialogue.

I like receiving attention for the things that I do, like a good film.

I have always believed if the intention is right, it'll be a good film.

I believe in the theory that one cannot make a good film; it just happens.

A good film is always a good film and a good story is always a good story.

I don't think a film that has no effect on people or society is a good film.

If you make a good film, then there's no harm if it achieves commercial success.

I don't think I could make a good film, but I could definitely score a good film.

My proudest moment is when I'm part of a good film, when people are touched by it.

I think Porki' will be my best break as it has all the ingredients of a good film.

Honestly, I think a good film is spiritual, regardless of whether its subject is faith.

A good opening and a good ending make for a good film provide they come close together.

'ABCD' is a very good film - the story, the production value - everything is excellent.

I believe that the performance of my actors is of utmost importance to make a good film.

To make a good film is an art. Gender is irrelevant when it comes to craft of filmmaking.

To make a film is easy; to make a good film is war. To make a very good film is a miracle.

There are so many elements that make a good film. You need a great director who's driving it.

When 'Aashiqui' was released nobody knew that it will be such a good film... it is a cult film.

A successful film is a good film, and a non-successful film is a bad film. It's as simple as that.

A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it.

I want to feel happy doing a good film and don't want to look at cinema with a materialistic yardstick.

It's not always about playing the lead. It's also about being associated with an important and good film.

The preseason's all about getting good film out there, making the most of the opportunities that you get.

It is not easy to deliver a good film and take the expectation of the audience one level higher every time.

At the end of the day, it is about working in a good film. It's the films that you leave behind that matter.

When a filmmaker tries to make a good film and if he gets success in that then definitely it's a nice feeling.

I love acting in Tamil cinema. I have decided quite consciously to do at least one good film every year in Tamil.

I am only looking forward to good film script. It doesn't matter if the role is a supporting or a standalone role.

A jolly feel good film with Vadivelu playing the comedian along with Rajni at his humourous best is 'Chandramukhi.'

I need weird breakages to happen for music to feel true to life, and I think that also applies to good film scores.

When art in general, and film in particular, succeeds is when it pulls you away onto a voyage. Then it's a good film.

I'd rather have a small part in a good film with good people than play the lead in something I don't really care for.

'Villain' succeeded because we were genuinely working towards a good film. We worked hard and with a lot of conviction.

If it is a good film, the audience will like it. They will take to it if it is made with a certain amount of integrity.

I don't want to choose between commercial and independent cinema. I just want to choose between a good film and a bad film.

You can make a really good film for under a million dollars, like 'October Baby,' or under a half million, like 'Hardflip.'

As rewarding as a good film role can be, there is just nothing like getting up on a stage and taking an audience for a ride.

I was never serious about Bollywood films, but when I was offered a film like 'Shanghai,' I took it because it is a good film.

Telugu audiences love cinema. They won't let a good film down, and they've proved this with the way they accepted 'Srimanthudu.'

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